Nightmare.. Ch.10

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I was about to get it when someone else's hands reach out for it.. i look up to see.. it is really him. I need to leave this place now! Is this bad. Really bad!

"What are you-" i stop when i see how is it.. i froze as Lan Zhan hide me behind him

"I was the first one who get the hair pin. It is mine" he said as i just stay behind Lan Zhan

"Take the pin. We will leave now." Lan Zhan said as he carry the things we buy and put his other hands on my shoulder

"Let us go. It is alright" he whispered as he smile at me

"Thank you.. love" i said a i smile

(Jiang Cheng's POV)

"That was strange, something is off about them" i said as the two guys walk away

"They look suspicious uncle" Jin Ling said as he watch them as well

"Indeed, they look familiar and i think i have heard the voice of the very tall man somewhere but i cannot remember where nor why" i explain as he nods

"Uncle get the pin! We are running late" Jin Ling said making me snap out of my thoughts, we get the pin and walk away

(Back to Wei Wuxian's POV)

When we reach the rent house, he bring the things we buy and put it aside as he carry me, he put me on his lap as i hug him

"That was a close one ha.." i said as my legs started shaking

"Wei Ying your legs.." Lan Zhan mumbles worriedly

"I-I'm okay.. I'm just scared" i try to not make him worried when my tears fall out

"Wei Ying it's okay, shh.." he said as he hug me

"All of it.. every single thing back in the past hunts me like a nightmare.." i said as i buried my face on his chest, still crying

"Shhh.. let it all out, I'm here, Wei Ying it's all in the past" he comfort me and i feel a bit better bit it does not change the fact that i killed them.. i killed a lot of personal.

"Sorry Lan Zhan.. you have to see me like this again" i said as i cry even more

"It is alright, i am your husband. I need to be with you even if it's in happiness or sadness" he explain as he kiss me on the lips gently

"Thank you Lan Zhan.. i love you" i said as i close my eyes

"I love you too" he said as he hug me even more

"Lan Zhan. I'm thankful you are my husband.." said as he smile

"So does me" he said as he kiss my poor head

Lan Zhan.. I'm so glad i have you, but that does not change anything.. my past and yours a both nightmares because of my stupid mistakes.. I'm late Lan Zhan.

"You look tired, let's sleep." He said as he lay down on the bed and hug me

"Mhm.." i answer as i fall asleep

•||To be continued||•

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