C h a p t e r 5*

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Dorian's POV

Waking up early in the morning is never dull and boring when my arms are wrapped around Leonóra's body as we lay cuddled up to each other in bed. While some may consider this an incredibly intimate act between two lovers, we have no issues with such actions between the two of us whatsoever. Lee and I are not lovers, we have never had any romantic feelings towards each other despite being quite close growing up. Loving somebody -in a romantic way, specifically- is not something we are capable of doing due to our harsh upbringing, it's just who she and I are. It was a mutual agreement between Lee and myself that our relationship is that of close friends who are no strangers to being intimate with each other on a regular basis.

I tuck a few strands of her beautiful, wavey black hair behind her ear to make sure that it will not bother her peaceful sleep. Despite her efforts to tie her long hair into a bun in hopes of it staying out of her face overnight, somehow it never ends up happening -not that I mind though, not even messy hair can make her any less beautiful than she already is. I can't help but stare at her features for a little while; even though I would likely get my ass beaten if I said it out loud but I do find her very adorable when she sleeps.

A small smile appears on my face when she stirs a little bit, shifting her body to lay fully on top of mine almost as if it was an attempt to find a more comfortable position. My eyes close on their own accord and I sigh silently when her movements cause a small wave of pleasure running through my whole body, though as always I remind myself that now is definitely not the time to get more aroused.

Being touched in an intimate way while she is asleep is something that would bring up deep wounds in form of scary memories from her early childhood that are buried incredibly well within her mind. Causing her any sort of fear is something I would love to avoid at all costs seeing as it had taken quite the effort to battle her demons even with all the help she received from others. She is a strong young woman who has her own level of stubbornness and would much prefer to not let anyone know of her weak moments. I know her more than anyone else so I can tell exactly when she needs some reassurance without having to hear her say it out loud, but despite that I try my very best to stay away from situations that could make her uncomfortable in any way. While I might be able to fix whatever mistake I make on accident, I'd much prefer not making any mistake at all in the first place.

My left arm is wrapped loosely around her shoulders while my right hand lays on her lower back, the hold almost protective and the position we are in feels extremely comfortable. The warmth provided by the blanket that is messily draped over part of our bodies only adds onto the feeling of much appreciated comfort; I can only assume Lee must feel the same thing, which would explain why she hasn't woken up yet. I'm aware of the fact that we can't stay in bed for too long due to the many preparations and plans that await us today including an intense training session to keep our muscles and skills in shape, but despite that knowledge I decide to close my eyes and rest a little bit longer.

I must have fallen back asleep at some point without even noticing. As my senses start stirring awake I can somewhat register small, quick kisses being pressed on my neck almost in a teasing manner unlike the usual sensual ones I'm used to receiving from her. I make no move to let her know I'm awake just yet and instead I simply let her continue on with her antics while I try resting a little more, which is getting increasingly more difficult with each passing moment.

"Wake up, Doritos." Leonóra says in a soft voice inbetween two small kisses, her tone is just as teasing as her actions. This isn't the first time she has done something like this, in fact she gets more and more creative when coming up with ways to wake me up; each equally if not more amusing than the previous one. She is aware of me not minding what she does when I'm sleeping so long as it isn't harmful in any way; that, and also putting glitter in my hair -that one was just plain cruel.

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