chapter one

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I have one thing to say. You have to believe me when I say this. I am not crazy. Sure while I'm writing this two huge men are behind me. They look like they are waiting for something, maybe they are waiting for me to go crazy. But I promise you, I am truly sane. The reason I am in this hell hole is because I hunt. No not hunting animals, I hunt demons, yes that's right. Demons, monsters, and vampires are all real, and I hunt them. So why am I here? I was in the middle of a hunt. One of the most important hunts of my life. I was caught up with revenge and hatred that I didn't notice that I was leaving a clear trail of evidence behind me, and when I was questioned by the police I cracked. That's right I told them everything. So now you understand why I'm in an asylum. Now you need to hear this, the truth. The real truth.

"This is a serious case Anna," My Uncle told me. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah I got that." He sighed, "You shouldn't have been born into this Anna." I looked down at the floor. "I know, but I was." I muttered. He closed his eyes probably internally debating whether he should include me on the hunt. He finally opened his eyes and gestured to a chair. I grinned and sat down quickly before he could change his mind. He went behind his desk and flipped through some old books. "We are hunting a vampire." He said reading intently. I raised an eyebrow, "I've hunted vamps before. They aren't too difficult to take down." "Well this ain't any old vampire anyway." My uncle said. "Then what is it?" I asked eagerly. My uncle looked at me with concern, "An it's an Alpha." I bit down on my lip hard. Alpha's are the first generation of monster. And this specific alpha is the very thing that killed my parents. "Where is he?" I asked. I felt myself shaking with anger. "Calm down An." He said calmly. I looked at him in furry, "Like hell I'll 'calm down'. Where is he?" My uncle shook his head. I shot up out of my chair, "Robert. You will tell me now." "Hey don't you dare you use that tone with me girl." My uncle said sternly. I took a deep breath, "I'm sorry." He waved his hand dissmissively, "Now you know it's not good to go in without a plan. So what do you suggest?" I gritted my teeth, "We kill the son of a bitch." My uncle let out a breath, "Ok we will kill him. But we don't know how to kill an Alpha yet." "Then we will tie him up, torture him, and make sure he suffers." I said bitting my lip hard enough to draw blood. My uncle pulled me close, wrapping me in his arms, "You need to calm down. Tomorrow we can go to Kanas and take care of him." I pulled back, "What if I went, you know, alone?" My uncle widened his eyes, "What kind a uncle do you take me for? There's no way in hell I'm going to let you go alone." I nodded, "Sorry, it was a stupid suggestion." "Yes, it was." My uncle said stairing at me. I smiled and rolled my eyes, "Really Bobby you worry to much!" "Yeah, yeah I've heard that before. Now go get some sleep we need to leave early so we can get to Kansas by sundown." My uncle said shoving me upstairs. "Alright, night Bobby." I said from the top of the stairs. "Night." He grumbled. As soon as I was safely in my room I shut my door and grabbed a bag. I loaded my clothes, fake i.d.s, and some female nessessities. I waited a few hours, and crept downstairs. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. "I'm sorry Bobby, but I have to do this alone." I said quietly while I loaded my bag in the car. I got in the car and sped away. I felt tears threatening to fall as I tryed my best to keep them back. "I'm sorry Bobby. I'm sorry." I said again.



So that's different huh?

No I will not stop writing my other story because of this one

But I hope you like this one.

It's a bit dark...

And, there are no happy endings.


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