[3/10/21] Hi!

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If you ended up here, you're either really bored, you wanted to try something that randomly popped up, or you just thought the title was interesting and came here. 

if it's none of those.... why are you here? let me know. I kinda wanna know how people end up at random fics... wait a sec. 

This ain't a fic! 

I wonder what this could be called. 

A rAnT?

Lets go with that

{IK ur prolly bored by now but pls don't leave!!!!

I have to finish my rant!!!}

I'll tell you why I'm here first. 

Hey, my name's Lemon. 

I'm 16 years old. 

I never want to eat another egg, I don't ever want to go to Cuba, and I don't care about whales or self-control. :)

I realize this is random, but this is kinda what SAT does to you. I showed up on the ISAT and thought it was easy. Then I went onto Reddit and began questioning my life decisions. FUN~

Grammarly thinks I'm being friendly right now.... really Grammarly?

I'm supposed to be doing TOK right now but here I am typing away on my laptop like there's no tomorrow. 

I should start working. 

BuT I DoN't WaNnA. 

Am I gonna get work done today?

HeLl NaH...

Am I gonna exercise like I have to for CAS?

hElL nAh.

Have I let my monkey take over?

HeLl YeAh.

Since I'm already on the path to hell, let me tell you the story behind my name.

You guys hv prolly heard of the saying

"When life gives you lemons"


Well, I consider myself to be the lemon that life gave everybody around me. :)

If you ask me, that's a pretty good name I got stuck with. 


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