Mi Music Taste and possibly a rant

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Hello People!

If you're here, then you probably read my rant...

Well, I have a new rant today!!

I had a Spanish test today, and I- a lemon who had about 8 hours worth of Spanish learned- stared at the GOD DAMNED PAPER wondering,

"What the actual FLIP is this Sugar Honey Ice Tea???!!!

Son of a boat never taught us any of this stuff and you expect us to answer this???"

I legit spent the last 20 minutes of the test looking at my blank paper wondering how I was gonna break it to my parents that I failed my first Spanish exam. 

Now, y'all might think reading comprehension (SAT reading but in Spanish) is gonna be a breeze. All you really gotta do is look for the keywords and write down what you see, right?


You also have to be able to understand what the question is asking.

You have to know the meaning of the words because they LITERALLY ASK YOU TO FIND SYNONYMS IN THE PASSAGE.




btw: I originally typed FALSE as FALSO because my brain finally kicks in for Spanish. 

It's been 6 hours since the test.


My music taste is kinda ... how do I put it. Weird. 

you literally call yourself a lemon. How much weirder can your music taste be?

Child, I pity you. 

You haven't the slightest clue. 

Lol, that rhymed. 

Lets start:

I listen to everything except for what I don't listen to. Oh, and BTS.





Have you walked away yet?

If you're still reading then that means you're much better than a lot of society. 

Me saying I listen to BTS in my local community (excluding school) is like a death sentence. 

At first, they'd say BTS dresses like girls and puts makeup on.

Well, fam. Your western artists are not much different, WTF u on about?

Then they tried making an argument about how they can't understand anything. 

Bruh, have u forgotten ur obsession with TAKI TAKI and DESPACITO?

tbh, I've never really had the guts to say any of this out loud cuz that would mean being excluded from the social groups I'd been in for over a decade. 

It would have been fine if it were just them, but my parents are also against me stanning BTS. Every time their song comes on the radio, if it's not in English, I make a conscious effort to school my expression to make sure they don't find out that I know the song. I can say that I know who made the song, but I can't say I like them. 

The look of utter disappointment hurts too much. 

Welp, enough with the sob story. 

I wrote a debate for my TOK essay. 

Keywords here 

"ESSAY" and 



I wrote a flipping debate instead of an essay. 

Just WonDeRfuL!

And the teacher said NOTHING.


That might have been the greatest victory of my life. 

Except for the fact that I wrote the whole essay an hour before submission and submitted it a minute before it would have gotten marked as late. 

Back to my music taste. Imma just make a list of songs I listen to. 

Let's go backward in time. 

Permission to Dance                 My Universe

Butter                                              Rising Hope

Life Goes On                                 Boy with Luv

Black Swan                                   Believer

Fake love                                       Best on my Own

Idol                                                  Euphoria

Sample of My Pasta                  Scenery

Magic Shop                                  Still with You

Spring Day                                    Seesaw

Fire                                                  Epiphany

Gurenge                                         Promise


I should stop. This would take too long.

Wondering how I made the table? 

I didn't. 

Space Bar supremacy!!

Oki, Byeeee

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