So heya to all the participants, judges and voters and all our supporters as well as well wishers.
This is the final note from the Tale Tellers Award Team
We would like to take a moment and thank all the judges and participants and the audience for supporting us and making this awards a huge success.
It was indeed a memorable journey to be remembered.
A special thanks to all our affiliates for promoting us.
Now a token of thanks to our team.
FlyingSprinkles for working super hard and promoting the awards as much as you could.
Tia_worksFor the graphic work done during the awards.
chaotic_naturx for the write ups
roseyy_freckles and the whole interview team for taking the interviews.Last but not the least a special thanks to the master minds behind the surprise round sirocco2001 and rithika_venkateshan
And here is the certificate for the judges
And this is it.. Signing off from the awards we hosted. Thanks and All the best for your future endevours.
We love you all! Stay tuned to us and of you want to participate in monthly awards we would be hosting you can check the short contest book on our profile.
*bows to you all*
*snaps and Vanishes*
Tale Teller Awards (Completed)
Ngẫu nhiênHello Honey's TEEN_FIX is back again with a brand new awards! There are no restrictions! Except for that you will have to follow the rules. Do tag your friends to join the awards! Eagerly Awaiting to see you all in. Remember participating is the b...