1. Injured

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A/N:   Hello everyone!  Welcome to my new book!  

Many of you may have already read the first two chapters as they were uploaded as a short story in my oneshot/short stories book "What if I ain't no violinist".  A new chapter will be uploaded tomorrow.



What if Eddy and Brett didn't meet at maths tutoring but instead in an arts class?

"Welcome to our summer art class! Will you all please hang your bags at the back of the studio so that we don't trip all over them, thanks."

13 year old Eddy internally groaned. He had no idea why he was here. His mother had enrolled him in a month long art workshop during the summer holidays. He didn't even enjoy visual arts that much. The workshop involved activities such as painting and sculpturing. How the hell was he supposed to do sculpturing when his left arm was busted!?

Just before the end of the school year, Eddy was involved in an accident. He was walking along the street and a car had hit him.

I was a law-abiding citizen and was walking along the road minding my own business and some idiot runs his car into me.

Eddy was carrying his violin case in his hands at the time. He clutched onto it as if his life depended on it as the car hit him. The driver promptly called an ambulance and when it arrived, the medic found Eddy passed out on the street with his violin case in his arms. Fortunately, his violin was intact.

Eddy was also fortunate that he didn't suffer any head injuries.

Unfortunately, however, he had lost all movement in his left arm. Eddy was devastated.

"I'm a violinist!"

He screamed and cried in his hospital bed when he was told by his orthopaedic surgeon that she couldn't say if or when he could gain control of his arm again.

"I can't even feel my fingers!!"

He screamed and cried till his voice went hoarse and raspy.

Then he stopped talking altogether.

When he was released from the hospital, he stayed in his room lying on his bed staring at his bedroom ceiling.

"Eddy, you have the whole summer holidays ahead of you. You need to stay active. You know, do what you can."

Eddy shook his head.

"C'mon Eddy... let's book you in for an activity that you would enjoy. What would you like to do?"

Eddy glanced towards his mother who anxiously sat next to Eddy on his bed.

Eddy hadn't uttered a word in days since he was discharged from the hospital. He grimaced and whispered;

"I... want to play.. my violin....!"

His mother truly looked pained. No doubt she was heart broken for her son. She shook her head as she replied;

"You know that's not possible at the moment. We need to find something else for you to do. ...Would you like to do some extra music theory lessons?"

Eddy burst into tears and roared;

"NO!! I do NOT want to do extra music theory lessons!!"

Eddy had never raised his voice towards his mother like that. Alarmed, his sister barged into his room.



"Watch your tone towards your mother Eddy. She's only trying to help."

"She has NO idea what I'm going through!! YOU have no idea what I'm going through!!"

His sister Belle started crying.

"I know. I can only imagine what you are going through Eddy. I'm sorry."

Eddy wailed.

"I could not even wish this on my worst enemy if he was a musician!! NOTHING is worth doing!!! ...I don't want to do ANYTHING...!!"

"Hey, you want a hand with that?"

Eddy looked up. A boy around his age had offered to help Eddy lift up his backpack and place it on the hook.

"I.. I can do this."

The strap on his backpack was floppy and was tricky to put over the hook without an extra hand. Eddy's left arm was in a sling.

"Hey, let me help you.."

"I said I'm okay!!"

The boy looked at Eddy in surprise. Eddy felt a tinge of guilt for raising his voice at the boy who was just trying to be friendly and helpful.

"Just... leave me alone..."

"Okay, I'll leave you to it."

The boy walked away. After a few more tries, Eddy eventually gave up and hooked his backpack using one of its shoulder straps. His backpack hung on the wall crooked, which annoyed him every time he saw it throughout the day.

"Okay, so the first task of the day, let's do a portrait of a new friend. Find someone you met for the first time today in this studio. Pair up and draw each other. Enjoy having a chat to get to know each other while you draw!!"

Eddy wasn't in the mood to look around for a partner and most definitely not in a mood to chat with anyone. He sat still on his stool, staring at a blank page of his sketchbook. He hoped there was an odd number of students so that he didn't have to partner up with anybody.

"So, what's your name?"

Eddy's trained ears recognised the voice and he internally rolled his eyes as he looked up.

"Not you again."

The boy pulled out the stool from underneath the bench and sat in front of Eddy.

"I was too slow to partner up. We're both leftovers. I'm afraid you have to put up with me. I'm Brett."

Eddy sighed.


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