4. Misery Loves Company

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Jamie absentmindedly tapped his pencil on the cool desk. He could feel 20 sets of eyes burning into his back. He had been dealing with looks from everyone all day. All his peers either awkwardly gave him the "I heard about your sister...sorry for your loss" speech, or just avoided talking to him and stared at him with a sad expression, as if looking at a poor little puppy. He absolutely hated it. The only person in the entire school who didn't treat Jamie like he was about to break, was Jason. Jason seemed to not care at all, talking to him like nothing happened and mentioning his sister briefly and coldly, every time earning a punch on the arm from Amanda or a glare from Kat. Jamie much rathered Jason's blunt handling of the situation than everyone else's.

The bell rang, immediately followed by 20 chairs screeching on the linoleum floor, causing Mr. Willis to shout over the commotion. He was saying something about homework, but Jamie didn't care enough to try to listen.

He grabbed his things and rushed out among the crowd. Amanda tried to get his attention in the hall, but he didn't notice her. There were more important things at stake.

Jamie threw on a sweater and biked off. He smirked a little, excited to see Mr. Afton's sorry ass behind bars. He was so happy in fact, that when he arrived at the police station's parking lot, he skipped a little as he walked.

A woman with curly dark red hair sat at the front desk, click-clacking away at a typewriter. He cleared his throat a little so she'd notice him. She looked up with a smile, met his eyes, then frowned.

"What d'ya need, kid?" She asked in a bothered tone.

"I need to talk to one of the officers, I think he said his name was Luis? He's investigating a family matter."

"Oh, he's not here right now, sorry."

"Well...do you know when he will be here?"

"I don't know," she responded, then returned her attention to the typewriter.

"Thanks for the help" Jamie said, having a hard time keeping his tone sincere. He started to leave when the door of an office opened and he recognized the man talking inside of it. It was officer Luis. The woman at the desk seemed unbothered by the fact that she had just been caught blatantly lying.

The officer was comforting a weeping woman, reassuring her that he'd fix the issue. After he walked the woman out, Jamie walked up to him and asked, "Did you get him?"

"Huh?" officer Luis asked wearing a clueless expression.

"Mr. Afton, did you arrest him?"

"Oh, uh, listen, we couldn't keep him here. His wife confirmed that he was at home with her the entire time. The guy's innocent."

"Wait, what? His wife is lying! I know it was him, I'm sure!"

"You hit your head pretty bad. I'm not sure your memory is the most reliant source."

"No, I'm sure! You have to arrest him!"

"We don't have any evidence. I'll keep investigating, but as far as I know, the guy is clean."


"Now I have a situation to look into, and you should be heading home for dinner."

Jamie tried to interject, but officer Luis just went back into his office and locked the door.

"You got somewhere to be, boy?" The woman at the desk said, gesturing towards the door.


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