The begging

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I walk down a street of.... Wisconsin? Not really sure, just as long as it's not Amity.

As I look around, I see that this place is for the rich. It has expensive stuff that I know, know one I know could by.

As I walk around, people give me looks like { you lost or something? } or { does your parents know your out here? }. Looks.

I just ignore them. Then I see a paper for some place called the DALV GROUP.

" Ooooookkkkkk? That seams weird." I say mostly to my self.

Some one tabs my shoulder. I turn to look at who taped- WAIT!!! That's the man from the poster thing.

" Does your parents know your out here?" The man said. I hate it when people do that to me, just because I'm 14. Well almost.

" Does yours?" I say sarcastically. The man snickered. " Just answer me. Do they?" Ok, I don't even know this dude and he's just talking to me like I know him.

People are just plan old weird.
" Im not saying shit." he looked at me like I just broke something expensive.

" Boy, I'm not saying it again. Do they or do they not know ware you are?" The man asked. For a sec, I thought his eyes glowed red.

" No." I look at the ground. " They don't care about me, they never did." I look up at him. " Now that you know, I'm going."

He grabbed my arm. " You can't sleep on the streets." Ok this man is getting on my nerves now.

" Who said I was sleeping on the streets?" He looked at me with shock. " I didn't. I was just saying that you can't if you was."

I rolled me eyes. " Pff, yeah right. Now let me go, I have some ware to be ya know." I lied. He just looked at me.

" look, I can help you. You can live with me till I find you some one that will take care of you."

God, he's so weird!!! " UGH!!! LET ME GO!!!" Then everyone looks at us. Fruit loop lets go and I take off running.

I go behind a dumpster and go ghost, then I fly away.

Ok that guy was weird. Why was he talking to me like that. And the DALV, that's just weird.

I look down and that man is looking up at me.

WAIT!!!! Did he see me go ghost? As I start to come back to earth, I start breathing more deeply.

" OMG, OMG, OMG" I repeat, as I grip my head.

" This can't be happening. What if he tells? What if he knows my parents? What if-?" Wait, is some one hugging me?

" Calm down. It's okay, I know your secret." It's that man. " LET ME GO!!!!!!" I yell. " YOU KNOW NOTHING!!!!" I shoot him with my ghost ray, and I fly away. Fast.

I go behind a bank and change back to my human form. I sit down on the ground, leaning my back on the wall behind me.

" Life just got harder." I whisper, as I cry. " What am I going to do?"

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