What is winter?
A question with many answers
Winter is either ice cold harsh and unforgiving or beautiful, soft and refreshing
perhaps this is our biggest flaw
to love something when it's pretty, gentle and slightly chilly but as soon as the wind starts nipping at their faces a bit too tightly, and when the raw sky darkens with clouds
to turn our backs on it as if it owed it to us to stay delicate forever
to be upset by the hard wind
and in response, the snow hardens at our mockery
sending hard and painful hail to punish us for it
but we remain stubborn and lock our doors and windows
leaving the sky and the stars lonely as they scream their anger out at us
and children cry in their beds at night
because thunder is scary
nevillearts © 2021
Poetrymaybe i too am red for all the slaughter carried within me, bastard child of water, lake swelled with rotting fish. What are you searching for when you drag me from you? POETRY © nevillearts. 2022 cover . . . archaicpoets