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the picture is supposed to be her house this is what I visioned when I wrote about it\\em

(Monday afternoon)

The next day, we pulled up to the new house and to be honest it was kinda cute. It was large and had beige siding. It's simple but I like it. "Karly come help me with some of these boxes!"

"Coming mom!" as soon as I said that a group of teenagers came walking down the street. They seemed my age, they were tall and were wearing backpacks so I assumed they were in school.

One had a blonde quiff, another had his hair a shade of blue, then this one guy had dark brown almost black hair, and the last one had blonde curly hair with a bandanna.

The curly blonde one had dimples. I only knew that because he actually turned to smile and wave. So being polite I waved back.


I had just unpacked the last of my clothes into my closet when I heard a knock. My mom was visiting our neighbors. So I opened the door and there was the curly haired boy along with the blue haired boy.

"Hi! I'm Ashton, well we just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood!"
"I'm Michael." said the blue haired boy now named Michael. "Um, hey I'm Karly." I said a little confused. "Are you my neighbors?"

"No, um, well we live down the street a bit." explained Michael. "We just wanted to say hi and welcome you to Australia!"

"Where are you from?" asked Ashton, I had just sat down in a chair in our living room, "Colorado." I said trying to get comfortable in my seat.
"Oh cool! So you lived really far away before then." Michael said.
"Yeah, I miss it." I said remembering my friends back home.

"Well we need to get going but it was nice to meet you, Karly!"
"You too!" I said as they walked out the door.

I was surprised at how polite and nice Ashton and Michael were. Hopefully they went to my school because I am dreading my first day, which happens to be tomorrow. Not to mention I am a bit jet lagged.

Later...(like two hours)

"Dinner is ready Karly."
As I walked down the stairs I saw the same four boys at the dinner table.

"Karly, these are our new neighbors!" my mom said a little to excitedly."Hi."
We all sat there in silence until a mom spoke, "Karly, what year are you in?"

"I'm in year 11." I said while picking at a piece of chicken on my plate. I hated eating and my mom knew that, but she usually made me. "Oh! The boys are all in year 12." the mom said.

I looked at the boys briefly before I responded, "Oh, I um-" I was interrupted by the boy with the blonde quiff."I'm sorry but we haven't introduced ourselves mum. I'm Luke."
he nudged the boy next to him, "Ow! I'm Calum." he looked at Michael "Michael."

"Ashton." the four looked at Lukes mom.

"Oh, I'm so sorry darling I'm Liz Hemmings."

The rest of dinner was awkward and
Michael seemed to notice I didn't eat.
I'm just hoping he doesn't ask.

After dinner he walked up to me, "Why didn't you eat anything?" Michael asked sternly. "I hate chicken that's all." I responded with a shrug.

When they all left I went to take a shower. When I was about to turn on the water to get in I saw my horrible reflection in the mirror. I hated the way I look I had hardly any curves and and my body is horrible looking in every way.

I hated it, I was also anorexic but only my friends and mom knew. I thought if I was skinny I would have more friends or I would be prettier, but if anything I hated myself even more because I was anorexic. I jumped when I heard a small knock on the door. "Yes?" I asked.

"Sorry honey but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind taking the bus to school tomorrow. it comes at 7:30 am."

"Sure I don't mind."

"Ok love you I'm working the night
shift so I'll be back tomorrow after school."

"Ok bye mom." I said while turning on the water. The hot water felt good, and the shampoo in my hair felt even better because I haven't taken a shower in 2 days. I am nervous and almost feel sick to my stomach thinking about

a/n: they are still really short but I'm trying to make them longer.

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