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  The sun rose, starting a new day. He sat on the couch in the hotel room sipping his coffee, enjoying the peace and quiet while it lasted. It was rare moments like this he loved, moments where he could be alone and just think. He always had a lot to think about, but his thoughts always ended up revolving around his family. Seth Rollins was a lucky man and he knew it! In one, short year his life was completely changed; but in the best possible way! He had married the man of his dreams Dean Ambrose, he had met two of the kindest, sweetest people who had become part of their family Eddie and Will; he had met them through Dean and their brother Roman Reigns. And he and Dean had adopted their now three year old twins Oliver and Olivia!

 Their lives were finally perfect, after going through two years of hell, that started with one man from Dean's past Thomas King! King had put Dean, Seth and Roman through so much, almost destroying them. He failed though, and he was now out of their lives forever. His memory though remained with all three, in the back of their minds as a reminder of what they almost lost. Seth hated thinking of King, and so he was grateful this morning when he heard the kids wake up to distract him. He smiled as both kids came into the main room, seeing him both kids smiled and ran to him as he put his coffee on the table.

 "Papa!" Olivia said as she hugged him.

 "Morning guys! Did you have a good sleep?" Seth asked kissing their heads.

 "Yep! Where daddy?" Oliver asked yawning.

 "Still asleep. Are you guys hungry?"

 "Yep!" The twins answered together.

 "Okay, let's go get dressed then we'll wake up daddy. We're going for breakfast with Uncle Ro, Grandma Eddie and Grandpa Will." Seth said smiling as they stood, he took their hands and led them to their room.

**Days Later**:

 The days past and things continued going well for all of them. While the guys worked Eddie and Will travelled with them to take care of the twins at the hotel. Despite having the twins travel with them, they had never been to a show. Both Dean and Seth didn't want the twins to see them wrestle, not wanting to scare the kids if the three of them got hurt. That changed one night before Raw though, when both kids begged to go with them.

 "Daddy, papa, Unca Ro we go too peas?" Liv asked as the guys got ready to leave.

 "Liv, you know you and your brother stay here." Dean answered picking her up.

 "I will miss you daddy!" She said hugging him tightly. "You miss Liv, daddy?" She asked holding his face with both hands as she looked into his eyes.

 "Of course I miss you and Ollie!" He answered kissing her cheek.

 "Unca Ro, we go peas?" Ollie asked tugging on Roman's shirt.

 "I don't know little man, that's up to your daddy and papa." Roman answered.

 "Papa, we go peas?" Ollie asked going over to Seth.

 "Dean, Ro can I talk to you for a sec?" Seth asked.

 The three guys went into the bathroom and shut the door. Dean knew what Seth was going to say and spoke first stopping Seth.


 "I didn't say anything!" Seth said.

 "Yeah, well I know you Seth and you were going to say we should let the kids come!" Dean answered.

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