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Please kill me.
"I know you may be fairly confused due to awakening from a coma to find me of all people, am I right? Your probably thinking where's your family?" Alastor said as he calmly collected himself and found himself a chair to sit in in the room.
'No I'm wondering how and why the hell you're in here?!'
"My dear if I'm...correct...your in heat right?" He speaks up as he closes his eyes and inhales the air and grips his knees almost as if he can smell... I instantly heat up and clench my legs tighter together and pull the covers more towards me. As if they can protect me from this demonic predator. Dear Dad please help me.
"I.....Y-yeah...What's it to you." I say giving him a judgmental glare as if any second he's going to attack.
"My dear I'm wounded you feel I would hurt you in anyway. If I truly wanted you harmed...you most certainly wouldn't even be sitting here breathing right now, as I have been here the entire time since your black out." He said as he holds his hand over his heart and fakes a pained expression.
"Then what is your reasoning for being here." I say to him still unsure of his motives.
"Well as your 'mate' I'm what a human would say is worried over their loved one. However, I've found out the reasoning for your outing. Our spirits meeting for the first time overwhelmed you my dear and apparently I was so overwhelming to you that I sent your hormones into a spiral and put you into... heat." He stated matter-of-factly keeping his eyes completely trained on my entire being.
"Well uh...thank you for being concerned about my well-being... you can take your leave now." I said wearily afraid I may anger him.
"Dear I have no plans on leaving this room without your heat being satisfied." He said as he licked his lips and eyes holding a heated glaze to them. His leg starts bouncing anxiously as if he's a dog waiting for a treat. Then...and only then do I actually notice the prominent boner in his well tailored slacks. Fuck.
"I-I'm sorry but I barely even know you so if you think I'm just gonna let you willingly fuck me then you are highly mistaken. I don't care if we're 'mates'. I do not wish to be held down in a relationship nor be tied to anyone or thing." I state in a controlled voice to let him know I'm not going down without a fight. As I study his form he stiffens a bit and his never ending smile falters a bit. Almost as if he was disappointed... or angry. The tension in the air is almost suffocating. I just want his dark looming presence gone. Just stand ground Y/N. It's hard to read his thoughts and feelings when his body language is rather nonexistent and his facial expression is that same terrifying smile. Dammit Y/N pull yourself together you can never be queen if one demon scares you. I'm soon snapped out of whatever trance I was in when I notice Alastor standing up and fixing his bow tie. His eyes having a certain glow to them.
"Well luckily dear you have two options. One you take those heat suppressants beside you like a good little doe... Or you can take them offending layers off spread them pretty legs of yours and willingly let me 'fuck' you. I'd much rather go with the second option but of course I want my mate to warm up to me and scaring you is not on my list for first impressions." He stood there at the end of my bed with his hands held behind his back. Suddenly his entire presence seems to fill my entire body with fear. I glance to the right side of my bed and see a cup of water with 3 little red pills. I look back at Alastor and instantly turned back grabbed the pills and cup of water and downed them in two gulps.
"Pity...well my dear I may take my leave." He states as he starts to make his way to the door.
"Oh one more thing tomorrow I would love to take you out on a 'date' as some put it. Just to see my part of the pentagram and try a very delicious looking joint that just happened to open up there a while back. Be ready by 3." He says as he finally turns back around and leaves. I soon feel his presence dissipate within the air and I finally feel at peace.

What the hell have I gotten myself into.
And that's it for chapter 19 I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while as I have been busy with schooling and other things. I've also decided to have a change in options in the story as you all have read.
Thank you for being patient though.
And as always


857 words in total.

~What a Gal~ [Alastor x reader lemon]Where stories live. Discover now