Meredith grey

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Her favorite color is purple

She was a rule breaker, wore all black in highschool but in college she became a nerd

Definitely bisexual

She and izzie hooked up at least once

She hates the smell of peppermint

She had a nanny that spoke Italian and she learned Italian from her

Had a crush on Addison and Amelia at some point

I definitely think that she had a miscarriage before the show

Meredith is definitely a swiftie and sings in the car

She has major road rage

She wanted to be a 3rd grade teacher when she was younger because when she was little her 3rd grade teacher inspired her

She is allergic to watermelon

She loves snow.

Her favorite Disney movie is 'Brave'

She always wears mis-matched socks

Her and Mark would stay up late and discuss their problems. They had a secret language and know each other better then anyone else.

She likes tequila because of her first best friend

She owned a cat when she was little named 'Carmel'

She had depression in highschool

Sometimes when she can't sleep, she goes on long car drives to clear her head

When she is stressed, she sits at the ferry dock with a bottle of wine and talks to Derek

Meredith told Maggie and Amelia about everything that had happened in her past (drowning, bomb, shooting, miscarriage,etc)

When Derek died, she visited Addison

She has a huge obsession with the color purple

She drinks her coffee with 2 sugars

She likes dark chocolate better then milk chocolate because it reminds her of Derek

(Not Meredith) but I think that Derek likes to be called 'Daddy' while doing the nasty

One time she went to church service but didn't like it because she felt that everyone else was better then her

Pac-Man is her favorite arcade game

When she was pregnant with Ellis, she craved pickles and Strawberries

Ellis middle name is 'Alexa' named after Lexie and Alex. (Lexie's full name is Alexandra)

She was asked all the time in highschool and college to be on cross country and track

She loves to dance in the ran

The name ' Albert' makes her uncomfortable

Many times she has considered leaving Derek for Callie

Her nickname 'Medusa' makes her want to cry

Instead of going to prom, she smoked weed and vandalized public places

Her mother sent her to a all girls private school for a few years

Cristina calls her at the same time everyday

She never knew how to swim

Should I do more of these?

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