06 | bastards

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(Y/N) POURED A SMALL AMOUNT of tequila on the glass as she constantly nodded her head denoting that she was listening as the number three pro hero munched on his food while ranting about how tiring his week was.

"--after an hour there was another call like I can't even have peaceful sleep! And this time it was just a robbery in a flower shop!" (Y/N) placed the glass on the table and motioned for Hawks to take it, as she sat down on the circulated couch. "Yes, and I've also been listening to your nonstop rant for an hour, I wonder who's more exhausted."

Hawks fumed, "You're so mean!"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and continued to eat her share of food. Hawks began to wander around the area. (Y/N) had recently moved her main building to another area. This time the building looked more modern and advanced equipped with thirty floors.

They were currently on the second highest floor, where they could visibly see the city from the gigantic glass windows as walls. He had arrived here unannounced before the sunlight could even touch the establishment's peak.

He wanted to know how (Y/N) was going and was glad to know that she's been doing much well than he'd expected. The pro hero saw an oddly shaped small screen with a few buttons beneath it being attached to the wall. Curious as to what that was he pressed one of the buttons.

"You are not authorized to access this area."

An automated voice spoke startling the pro hero. "That's Jarvis he runs the house beside me," (Y/N) explained, helping herself with her food. "Geez, you're too reliant on your technology."

"I love how you used the term 'your technology'. Now I feel like a one-in-a-million genius." Both of them then turned to each other as they both said simultaneously,

"Which you are."

"Which I am."

Hawks laughed, "This is why we're friends." (Y/N) choked on her food, "We are?" The pro hero gasped dramatically, "Damn! What do you mean 'we are'?!"

"You're so dramatic." she rolled her eyes playfully, "Speaking of friends, your best friend should be arriving in about a minute."

"And now you're a psychic," he grinned. "And he's not my best friend!"

(Y/N) chuckled followed by the door opening a familiar face entered the spacious floor as a living room.

"Looks like Hawks is here earlier than expected." a man wearing a suit with a slight build entered the room. "That's Happy, he's the forehead of security." introduced (Y/N).

"Actually my name is Harold Joseph Hogan, nice to meet you." corrected the man, as he shook hands with the pro hero. "Nice to meet you too. And what's 'forehead of security' supposed to mean?"

"Forehead of security."

"Personal chauffeur, bodyguard, and guardian." corrected the man with a deadpanned look.

'This girl is rich, rich!' awed Hawks. It even took him years to get an assistant for his hero agency yet this girl with him already had a personal chauffeur and she hasn't even graduated yet.

"Yeah, I was actually once a boxer." said Happy, "I'm starting to think that I should've stayed as a boxer instead."

"Rude!" snarled (Y/N) from the background.

"By the way, the others are here." he informed, "Didn't know you do special services, (Y/N)." She saw the middle-aged man sending her a teasing grin. "No I'm not, pigeon wings begged me for it."

Hawks gasped, "I did not! And who are you calling pigeon wings?!"

"Oh, speak of the devil." Happy said. (Y/N) saw the one and only number two pro hero enter the room with his usual grumpy face. As he bowed slightly as a form of greeting.

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