when he starts having feelings for you

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He was at his home lying down in his bed just chilling until he thought about you. And he realized he has fallen for you. 


He was talking to Nik and you passed by. He blushed and Nik noticed. "You like her don't you? Somebody's inlove~" she said in a  teasing way. "N-no, I just think Y/n is cool, it's not like I stay awake thinking about, her," he said. At night while he was trying to sleep he said "oh no".


Louis was talking to Abby and he accidentally said that he liked you and Abby just gave a mischievous smile.  "Wait don't tell her!" he said because Abby is a snitch and Y/n is just near. When Abby was about to run to you Louis held her down. "fine, I will not tell yet" Abby said while Louis got up. And he said in his mind "I really do like Y/n" and on the outside, he was blushing mess.


Ever since he and Lucky bat discuss what he believes in the big world part of the movie. I  think it goes like this:

Luckybat: How about finding a new goal like find a different kind of love

Moxie: Ummm, (in mind) Where can I... Oh-

Luckybat: Your blushing


After his best friend (Abby) stop talking to him, he started talking to you because he wants to feel better and then in high school, he started liking you.


Same with Louis' but Louis is no snitch but Louis will text you that Aiden likes you when he gets mad at Aiden and sometimes Aiden finds out.


He was talking to Lou and Lou told him that he knows Niko's crush even tho Lou doesn't know who it is. Niko said " Okay you caught me, I do like Y/n" and Lou was confused, he was expecting an "I don't have a crush" or "How did you know?!" answer


Welp here you go, a new chapter. How you doing well and see you next time.

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