When you get mad at him and why

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he would spoil you for you to stop being mad at him, you all know him.


You were never mad at him for anything.


He will cuddle you till you are not mad at him anymore, There are a few reasons but I don't want to spoil it for the next scenarios but I will pick one and it's that he doesn't have soo much time for you, because of his work and his father and heck even would not stop working till it's done just to spend time with you.


You don't get too mad at him but yall know.


he will cry for a bit then go off somewhere to get your favorite stuff or food, dwell into the past too much


He's gonna buy you your favorite food, I mean all of your favorite food, for being confusing most of the time


Kinda the same as Aiden but more than food


How long have I had this draft, oh sorry for not updating. I have been busy and I have Exams like FRICKIN tomorrow. Pls give me suggestions or even OCS or cast that I can put I can. If you want your oc here, say the name and ether that they are uglydoll, human or perfection doll,

And I'll see you next time.....

Also if you want more original stories like my old book 'Merlian Academy' which I made the book not public again, just say. I have two more original stories that are called 'The not soo spooky manor' and 'Stay with me'. They are in development in storytelling and they have loads of lore and backstory. I could also make more reader inserts but I'm busy. Merry Christmas and a happy new year everyone, I'll be studying till the next week, Bye! -ThatWeirdPersonIsASimp

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