Chapter 5- Dreams

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Beep, beep, beep.

That was the sound I heard, the sound that made me sigh in relief. But also made me tremble in fear. I knew that sound. I opened my groggy eyes to find myself starring at a bright, penetrating light. I noticed I had an IV stuck into my arm.

"Wierd, but what am I doing here?", I thought. And then it hit me. The light, the sound, the darkness. I soon relized I was in the hospital.

"I am such a dumb fagot."

I tried calling the nurse, but my throat was so dry, it felt like I was swllowing a dozen spears. I tried again. Nothing. Then I remembered that there was always a red button to call for nurses. Almost ripping the stupid IV out, I pressed the large red button next to the bed. After a couple of minutes, a pretty nurse, with long, brown hair came in. She looked to be in her mid-twenties. Tall and skinny, she looked she could be a Victorious Secret model. Thinking that kind of made me envious.

"Hazel. I'm your nurse, Adele. Are you alright, you seemed pretty beat up when you got here." She had a look of pity on her face. I hated pity, but Adele just made me feel, happy.

"I think so. What happened, why am I here?"

She sighed and then broke eye contact, as if she didn't want to tell.

"You were hit by a car, and found with multiple bruises and cuts from before. You were in severe condition, and immediately taken into surgury for the gashes and cuts. You lost alot of blood."

But why... my head was buzzing with questions. I saw the date from the Calender and time from the clock on the wall.

June 6 20XX 5:25 pm.

Wait that means I was asleep for 5 days. Wow I missed that last few days of school. Go figure.
I asked Adele if I could go home now.

"Well seeing the state that your in, and wounds now healed, I guess that you can leave. I'll go get your parents to sign the release papers." She smiled and left. Though I wish I didn't have to leave yet. In fact I wish I.didn't bring it up at all.

Oh my God, so sorry I did not update in forever
Problems happened that kept me from updating
So ill try to update more. Later bitchezzzzzzzzzzz ;)

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