January at New York

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January in New York, I dare to say it's the worst time of the year when the holidays are over and all that's left is the New Year's decorations strewn on the streets and all the work you put off to have time to relax in the holidays. When I was a child I used to associate the beginning of the year with a new beginning, now that I grew up I learned that you only do the same thing as the previous year, nothing new happens in January in New York

I left my apartment and the first thing I felt was how my boots were sinking in the snow, I walked straight to the cafeteria that luckily was only a block away, I ordered a coffee and asked for a taxi as soon as I left the place

I paid as soon as the taxi got to the building where my job was, remember what I said about how January was the worst time of the year? This other reason why it is, in January most people come to change what they got for the holidays and use their brand new gift cards, don't get me wrong I love my job, however, I was hoping that by becoming a fashion designer I would be traveling from Paris to Italy for catwalks and parties and instead I am behind my desk trying to keep my brand afloat

My office door opens revealing Ben

Benjamin Harries

Ben and I have been best friends since we were twelve because my parents worked for theirs, but not only was he my friend, he was also the public relations manager who else would you put to get the contacts if not the boy who grew up with the Manhattan Elite?

I look up from my computer —Ben, I swear if you come just to complain about how the printer got stuck again—

Ben put an open envelope on my desk before I could finish my sentence —When you read this, you will want to buy me my own printer freeing me from the martyrdom of having to see Noah from computing every day—

I took the already open envelope and take out the letter that came in it to start reading it.

                                                                 AMALIENBORG PALACE

Friday, January 9, 2022

Dear Miss Isobel Bennett

Her Majesty has asked me to request your presence at the annual Valentine's party, if you accept you will have to previously attend a meeting with the royal monarch to reach an agreement on how you will carry out your work and the final decision of each wardrobe

You will be sent a schedule that you must follow and reservations will be prepared for you and your team.

The royal family send you their best wishes and look forward to seeing you the last week of January

Yours sincerely,

Christopher Watson

The Chief Clerk To The Queen

P.S. A file was sent to your email with the details that I could not specify in this letter.

I read the letter at least five times to make sure it was real  "Are you sure the letter is real?" I asked Ben who was walking around the room anxiously

"It has the seal of the royal family, I am completely sure that the letter is very real" he said

"I thought the seal of the royal family was different, I also thought it was Buckingham Palace, not Amelienborg"I said, reading the title of the letter.

"No, that Palace is in England, that's where Queen Elizabeth resides, Amelienborg Palace is in Denmark, the letter was sent by the Queen of Denmark, not the United Kingdom, well her secretary did" he explained

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