ParaSmall: hELLo eXistIng pEepS
xQritt: heLLo
ParaSmall: todaY i Get tO interviEw xqRitt
1ST QUESTION: why should e be considered child
xQritt: because of the cubed root of 168, which is an irrational number, meaning that I am insane and Elon Musk.
ParaSmall: oh cool-
2ND QUESTION: should we let H3r0br1n guest some of our episoded 🤔
xQritt: hE should try and interview us ( Notice the 'try'. )
ParaSmall: mhm xD
3RD QUESTION: why are you and H3r0br1n an existing ship i invented
xQritt: bEcause. No.
ParaSmall: pF xD
xQritt: quite sussy amogus
5TH QUESTION: jim death by flippy
xQritt: pfF oK we're doing this now-
oH YEs
ThIS IS My speciAlTy
jim: hello
Best boi flippy: die little boi
jim: nO
Best boi flop: *stab*
jim: I hate myself
Best bOI the fLOp: as you should mhm
Done mhm-
ParaSmall: W o w
6TH QUESTION: tell the audience who H3r0br1n is in case they don't know-
xQritt: Xd- ok easy
Hitler meany boi sometimes but most of time gud person mhm
Also like sm*t which not gud-
ParaSmall: ye-
7TH QUESTION: e+poop(6x)1/2•x
xQritt: right so
E is obviously e and poop is poop
6x is actually elon musk and the whole problem is c a t
And the value of c a t is eeeeellllooooonnnn moooossskkkk
ParaSmLl: yeah ok :D
8TH QUESTION/LAST: is ree good
xQritt: ree is god mhm
ParaSmall: XD
thaT aLl fOr todaY hOomans
xQritt: bOI