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heather slides into the seat opposite you, a warm cup of hot chocolate in his hands. "ew." you scrunch your nose at his choice of drink, reaching for your frozen cola instead. "i don't know why you insist on having hot chocolate in this weather, but i'm pretty sure that's psychopathic."

heather blows on his drink, shrugging. "whatever you say. you're the one missing out on this heavenly concoction." he puts the mug to his lips, steam clouding his glasses. "now what is it you called me here for?"

"can i not just wanna spend time with you?" you laugh, glancing at your phone and seeing that koutaro's sending you one text after the other; constantly updating you on this one movie you recommended he watch. something warm unfurls in your chest at the knowledge of him also being up at the same time.

heather raises an arched brow, "no offence, but you don't call someone out at two in the morning for drinks unless something's up."

it's one in the morning, and the night is warm. after hours of tossing and turning in bed, thoughts of a certain someone plaguing your mind, you decided that enough was enough and in a flurry; called heather out for drinks at mcdonalds, in dire need of some relationship conselling, the type only good friends can offer.

"i just don't know how to tell if my feelings are platonic or, worth ruining a friendship for." you state, plainly. heather doesn't need you to explain it to understand.

heather smiles. "the everlasting question. honestly, scientists could fucking investigate this shit and never come up with a palpable conclusion." comfortable silence descends the little booth the two of you share by the back. "where do you see the two of you in your life," heather asks softly. "in ten years from now?"

you close your eyes.

"i see myself achieving my goals, doing what i enjoy and making the most of life." it's a vague answer, but it's a heartfelt one. you want to do what makes you happy, what is productive and good for you, but always something that leaves you smiling.

heather leans closer, "and? where is he?"

the thought comes to you so naturally, and with such finality, that the image of him draping his arms over your shoulder, sitting by you, wherever you may find yourself, just feels so normal. like an inevitable fact, because where else would he be?

"he's next to me." you breathe, "just like he's always been." 

next to me.

heather takes a loud sip from his drink. grins, as if he's just cracked the code to a secret cipher; "bingo."

make you mine! ★ k. bokuto [completed]Where stories live. Discover now