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bokuto exclaims, glancing at both sides of the road before the lights for the pedestrian crossing go off, the red switching to a neon green colour. after the two of you escaped from the duck pond, you'd wandered around the city for a while - now set on getting to 7/11 and buying some snacks.

"it was!!" you agree enthusiastically, "i forgot how nice spending time with you was, honestly."

maybe it's something about the city at night, surrounded by bustling crowds of people, colourful skyscrapers draped with ads, the smell of street food wafting through the air - but a wave of confidence suddenly overcomes the boy. 

after the two of you make it to the other side of the road, he loops his arm into yours - giving you the sweetest smile you've ever seen, adoration etched into his honeyed eyes. "i hope we can spend lots more days like this in the future, y/n!" 

"right?" you beam, glancing at your phone to the instructions for the nearest 7/11 displayed on google maps. "how many years have we even been friends for - seven?" bokuto nods, to which you chuckle. "here's to another seven years of us!! y/n and bokuto against the world!!"

"against the world?" bokuto laughs, "who hurt you?"

"i don't know!!" you exclaim, grinning. "i just feel... so happy!?? like, i feel like the two of us could do anything right now." you confess to bokuto. the boy smiles at your words; things haven't been the best between you two, and he was worried your friendship was getting too messy to even call it a proper one - so hearing you admit that you enjoyed his company so much calmed him down a lot. 

it almost feels just like the times you used to spend together before his feelings for you blossomed into something else. and in a way, he can't ever go back to those times, because now - he sees you so much differently. sure, right now he has the blinding neon lights of tokyo to shine down on the two of you, but what happens when you find out about his crush?

will you still feel so comfortable around him?

the boy rubs the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath in an effort to lose the feelings of trepidation that loom over him. noticing his sudden silence, you pause to look at him, eyebrows furrowing with concern. "hey, is everything okay? you feeling alright orr...?"

"yeah. yeah, it's just the noise." bokuto lies, trying to calm himself down and ignore the sudden anxiety that overtakes him. "there's a lot of people so it's kind of getting to me, don't worry!" he tries to reassure you, plastering a bright smile on your face.

you decide to leave him be. if something's bothering him, he's obviously not comfortable telling you. a part of you is upset he doesn't want to tell you, but the bigger and better part of you just wants him to be okay. you turn around, looking down at the bright screen of your phone.

make you mine! ★ k. bokuto [completed]Where stories live. Discover now