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  Stella knew the trees would be much bigger up close, but the way they towered over her was a bit more threatening than she expected. With trunks these large they might not be able to see what's stalking them.

It also didn't help that it was night, but Usgard stated that the Nyxlian only comes about at night, if they wanted to catch this monster they had to move on its rules and hope for the best,

  The more they kept going the more dangerous this plan became.

  Usgard had stepped into the forest, unbothered by the lack of silver light that would have been of aid if not for the long branches and countless leaves that hung above.

  Stella stared down at the forest floor, only one step forward yet it felt so far. She had cold feet, that roar echoed in her mind continuously, it was the most frightening warning she had ever heard before, and unfortunately the thing that made that sound was no doubt more dangerous.

  She had to move, everything depended on her, she had to push aside the fear.

  She had to take a step forward.

  So she did, she advanced, but a wicked chill traveled down her spine as a union of hushed voices all whispered the same words into her ears.

  Turn back...

  Stella leaped back and frantically looked around for who said that, she spun about on her heels with a strong grip on the hilt of her sword. She could feel them watching, or atleast she felt like she could sense their gaze, yet nobody but a confused Usgard was around her.

  "Stella?" He called out. "The fuck you doing?"

  She gave their surroundings one last scan and upon seeing nothing she lowered her guard. "I thought I heard something."

  Usgard glanced around, nothing but leaves. The way she jumped worried him, however if she said she was fine then there was no neec to push it further. Plus, turning back now would be an annoyance considering they just got here. Sure the Nyxlian could kill them too but atleast that means they tried.

  "Still coming?" He asked with a risen brow.

  Stella wasn't sure on how to respond but eventually she just took a deep breath and followed him into the forest.

  As they silently traversed between the towering trees Stella wondered why she heard those voices, and why they all gave her such a creepy warning.

  They sounded so many, yet hushed, like a large crowd chattering at a far distance. She felt even more cold now than she had this entire trip, but it was more inwards than the weather around them.

  Usgard was unfazed, or atleast he didn't show his fear at all. He kept marching forward, with his head on a swivel wa he looked out for danger. So far nothing had come up to surprise them, only a few rabbits that hopped past in a hurry.

  The fact that nothing had happened kind of scared Stella, after that roar she expected to see the Nyxlian by now, even though she had no idea what it looked like, to be honest nobody did, not even those that barely survive an encounter with it.

  That's the reason it got it's other name, The Fanged Shadow. It attacks in the darkness, torches are snuffed by a strange winds when it appears, meaning the only thing seen are its one gold eye and the reflection of moonlight on its horrid fangs as it lunges at you.

  People had speculations on what it looked like, some said a species of bear with slimmer limbs because it was too fast to see yet strong enough to tear through dragon ore weapons in a single claw slash, others say it's some sort of cat, just extremely larger.

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