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"I welcome you all the Duren festival!"

Queen Nella's voice was echoed by the various crystals across the the kingdom of Querzant, people who couldn't fit in the royal courtyard were not exempted from the festival and they would receive a gift bag concerning various treats from the royal kitchen.

But still, not being able to get into the courtyard was a shame because that was where the party truly was.

Above the guests were Cinder-beaks, small domestic maroon coloured birds capable of leaving golden trails of ash from their tails danced across the night sky, making various images from times of old like the faces of past rulers and warriors of Querzant, and below them on a large stage the best dancers put on a show that wowed their onlookers with prized talent of flame magic.

The musicians who had a stage of their own were in a frenzy as the festival had just kicked off, they would keep this madness until the very end of it, taking turns with other musicians but never losing that tune.

Floating lanterns illuminated tables, painting the face of the people gold but not blinding them enough for them to not see the great food that was laid before them.

Royals and commoners mixed with each other, pouring themselves drinks and exchanging tales. It was a wonderful sight to Stella who could see it all from the high table that her and the other monarchs sat.

Her mother, now wearing a beautiful golden dress decorated with black feathers, an attire that all queens of Querzant must wear on the festival, was also wearing a beautiful smile as she watched her people fraternising with others, the atmosphere was lovely, the food was delicious, and the night was extremely young, and being one to notice when others did right she leaned to the left where her daughter was sitting.

"Thank you, my little star." Nella whispered before placing a kiss on Stella's forehead, who could only hum as a reply because she wasn't completely rested after dealing with all her duties. Atleast she wouldn't have to do any royal necessity other than dance for the night, then in a few hours she would gain another year to her age, but for now all she had to do was enjoy the festivities which wasn't too difficult.

Stella looked down at the food laid before her, the spices used in cooking it were carried upwards by the smoke that came off it, and she smiled because she had been a part of its process.

"Splendid meal as always." Chief N'daku of the Nkademe kingdom commented as he cut up the chicken piece on his plate, his wife Chieftess Elire nodded in agreement even though she had only been feeding their young daughter and not eaten out of it herself.

"Agreed." Kilta Ling-Sau, prince of the Daisau kingdom, said while piercing his chicken with a fork, he was a lot older than Stella but they shared that bond of being the second in hierarchy so they had their moments. "I would love to carry this recipe back home for my father."

"He'll have to come himself." Queen Nella smiled. "Vuzen can leave matters in your capable hands long enough to travel here for some days, and he needs to do that because you're first in line to the throne, its best to have some practice before actually inheriting the crown."

"Yes." Serzox pointed a knife at Stella. "Our princess already has an idea of the struggles of leadership, and she's doing quite well in that regard, isn't she sister?"

"Absolutely." Nella reached under the table and squeezed Stella's hand. "And because of that I believe drinking is back on the table."

"Really?!" She gleamed.

"In moderation." Nella added. "Don't need you drunk otherwise you'd have to spend your birthday inside the palace were you can't pull on someone's beard."

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