Chapter 20

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The move to Sacramento was approaching, but Sofia couldn't stop thinking about the what-ifs. She knew that was her and Oscar's biggest rule. No what-ifs allowed ever. But moving six hours away knowing how Oscar and Cesar's relationship was felt wrong. Sofia didn't want to pressure her husband into anything, but he would regret not speaking to Cesar. They had already started their life together and were about to take another step into their future. Cesar had never met Ella. Not once.

She had to do something. They were running out of time. Ruby said Cesar took over the Santos after Oscar got jumped out of the gang. They hadn't spoken to him in two years. Ruby wasn't friends with Jamal or Monse either. The entire situation was confusing.

That didn't matter right now. Oscar and Cesar needed to rebuild their relationship. Sofia knew they loved each other more than anything, but neither wanted to take the first step.

Deciding to take it for them, Sofia picked up the phone. Tapping Cesar's contact, she lifted the phone to her ear. It rang three times before he picked up. "Hello," Cesar muttered. "Sofia?"

"Cesar." It was so good to hear his voice again.

"Something wrong?"

She picked at the hem of her shirt. "No, no, nothing's wrong. I was actually calling to see if you would like to come to dinner." She paused, "and before you say no, don't. Say yes. Please, say yes." Sofia crossed her fingers, hoping more than anything that he would agree. "I can make anything you want. Just please be there. I would love for you to meet Ella." There was more silence. "At eight?"

"Eight," he repeated.

That caused her to feel hopeful. "Yeah, or earlier. Or even later if that works for you."

"Eight works."

She tried to hide her excitement. "Okay, perfect. See you tonight." The line went dead. Sofia squealed and began jumping up and down. Cesar was coming for dinner. It amazed her that he agreed. "I'm amazing." The happy dance she was doing was cut short when she noticed Oscar staring at her from the doorway. "Oh." Her entire body froze. "Hi?"

He smiled brightly at her, "what are you doing?"

"Uh," Sofia's cheeks darkened. "Dancing?"

"Dancing?" She nodded, "you don't seem sure about that answer."

"Well, I'm not."

Oscar laughed as he slowly stepped into the room. "Why are you dancing, baby?"

Sofia wrapped her arms around his neck. "Just very happy."

Oscar placed his hand on her hips, his fingers dancing over her exposed skin. It caused goosebumps to erupt. He kissed her cheek. "What's got you so happy this morning?"

"Just love you so much," she said. Her words were true. The love she felt for Oscar was stronger than anything else, but that wasn't why she was dancing. Oscar wouldn't be as thrilled about Cesar's arrival. They would have to work at fixing their relationship, but she believed they could do it.

"You do?" He smirked, "how much?"

"So much." Sofia stood on the tips of her toes, letting her nose brush against his. "What time do you have to work?"

"Twenty minutes," he muttered.

Sofia grinned, "that's plenty of time." Oscar smirked wrapping his hands under her thighs. Without any hesitation, he lifted her into the air and gently tossed her on the bed. Sofia laughed as he crawled on top of her. The laugh was silenced as he kissed her slowly.


"I said I would do it," Oscar took the pan out of her hand.

Sofia huffed, shaking her head at his actions. "And I said that I am perfectly capable of cooking on my own. I don't need Chef Oscar in here hovering."

"I wouldn't have to hover if you could cook." The words came out of his mouth quickly. He laughed at his own words, instantly ducking around the corner before she could throw the glove at him.

"You're hilarious," Sofia call out. The smile on her face showed him that she knew he was joking. Oscar shuffled back over promptly, placing a quick kiss on her cheek. "You're lucky you're cute."

"And here I thought you married me for my cooking skills."

"No, I married you because you knocked me up," Sofia joked. "And I'm the one doing the cooking right now."

"And I'm going to spare us the pain of eating undercooked chicken." Oscar pulled the dish from her hand and set it on the counter.

Sofia crossed her arms, "it was one time, and nobody died."

"Ruby was sick for a week."

"So," she threw her hands out. "He survived."

Oscar raised an eyebrow at her, "I seriously wonder about you sometimes."

Sofia opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by screaming in the other room. By now, she could tell what each scream meant. This was Ella's scream that signaled the TV had turned off. "I'll be right back. Don't mess up my chicken."

"I'll be saving your chicken." Sofia didn't bother responding to focused on getting Ella. As expected, the dark hair child was lying on the ground dramatically. "Hey, sweet girl. Your movie turn off?" She nodded, "well. Dinner is almost ready."

"No," Ella slammed her hands on the ground. "No!"

"Okay, you can eat later if you want." Ella seemed content with that and lifted her arms into the air. Sofia chuckled and picked her up. The young girl rested her head on her shoulder. "Let's go see Papa." Ella hummed in agreement, not bothering to move. "I thought I said no touching-"

"Saving," Oscar corrected. He turned around offering her a shrug. "You're welcome."

"Take your daughter and go sit down. I'll put the vegetables in a bowl."

Oscar grabbed Ella happily. "Let's go sit down." Sofia watched him take a seat at the kitchen table. He held Ella closely. Her curly hair had two clips in it that he had added. They matched the purple outfit she had on. Sofia couldn't help but watch the two interact. It was one of her favorite things to do. Although, she was worried about how dinner would go. Cesar would arrive any moment, and Oscar had no idea. "What's that look for?"

"What look," Sofia sputtered.

"That one," he gestured to her face. "You have that look in your eye. The one that always concerns me." If the circumstances were different, his words would have made her laugh. "If this is about Sacramento, it's going to be fine. I have a few weeks to put the down payment on the restaurant."

"I'm not worried about that," Sofia knew this was something Oscar needed. They both did. The further away from Freeridge, the better they would be. "I'm worried about you."

"Me," Oscar wasn't expecting that. "Why?"

"Daddy," Ella twisted away from him.

His attention shifted down to her, "hey, Princess." Ella laid her head back down, seemingly done talking. "What is it?"

"We can't here without you and Cesar talking. It doesn't feel right."

Oscar sighed and leaned into the chair. "Can't talk to him if he won't respond to my calls."

Sofia placed a hand on her hip. Cesar answered her phone call the first time. "I find that hard to believe."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Grabbing the dishes, she walked into the room and set them on the table. "Baby?"

"Have you ever tried?" There was a silence, and Sofia got her answer. "You need to fix your relationship. You'll regret it."

Oscar stared at her, an unreadable expression on his face. "And how do you suppose I do that?" Suddenly the doorbell rang. Sofia smiled slightly at the perfect timing, but her husband didn't. 

"This is going to be fun," she whispered as she walked towards the front door.

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