Chapter 27

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"Oscar," Sofia shouted from her bedroom. "Oscar." She folded the laundry with a smile, knowing he would come find her. Her white dress ruffled in the front as she leaned over the bed, setting a pair of pants on the edge.

As expected, footsteps carried down the hall. Oscar knocked on the door. "Yes?"

"Don't forget to pick up my dress at the dry cleaners tonight. I have a PTA meeting at school, and I can't get it." Hands wrapped around her waist.

"Yes, ma'am." Oscar kissed the side of her neck. "Anything else?"

"Pictures are tomorrow. Did you take off work?"

"Of course, I did."

Sofia turned around in his arms, a smile on her face. "Good." He kissed her gently, slowly. She melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Oscar sighed, pulling away. Down the hall, Ella began to cry. "Great."

Sofia chuckled, kissing his cheek. "Get the door. I'll get our daughter." Pulling away from him, she quickly walked down the hall towards their daughter's room. The young girl laid in her bed, crying after being woken from her nap. "Is someone cranky?" Waking Ella from a nap was a nightmare. The young girl did not like to be disturbed. "It's okay, darling." Sofia picked her up. "Shh." She bounced the girl in her arms. "You're okay. No tears." Sofia wiped Ella's tears. The young girl sniffled, burying her head in her neck. "It's okay." Her room was in boxes as they prepared to move. In less than a week, they would be gone.

Voice traveled down the hallway. Oscar was talking to someone. Sofia strained her ear, trying to figure out who the other person was. After a minute, she realized the other voice was Cesar. "You want to try and sleep again?" Ella nodded, rubbing her sleep-filled eyes. "Okay." Sofia set her down on the bed. "Get some sleep, okay?" Ella closed her eyes and fell back to sleep.

She waited a moment before slipping out of the room. Sofia crept down the hallway, wanting to hear what Cesar and Oscar were talking about. It wasn't like Cesar to seek them out. Something must have happened. "-you could do it with me." The voice belongs to Oscar. "But you can't do it here." Sofia stopped at the edge of the wall.

There was a long silence. "What about Vero?" Sofia didn't know who Vero was.

"If she loves you, then she will understand."

There was another long silence. "Okay." Cesar was agreeing to something. "Yeah, let's do it."

"Yeah?" Oscar seemed excited.

"Yeah," Cesar said. "I'm going to come with you."

Sofia put a hand over her mouth, smiling brightly as she realized what Cesar had agreed to. She turned the corner, watching as the two embraced each other. "This is amazing." Oscar was thrilled. He couldn't be happier, and that made Sofia happy. "This is our moment, cabrón." Oscar slapped his shoulders, unable to hide the smile on his face. "We're finally going to be a real family. A real family this time." He glanced to his right, noticing the girl watching them. Cesar followed his gaze. "Did you hear that?"

"I did," Sofia confirmed.

"Are you cool if I come with?"

Sofia rolled her eyes. "What a stupid question. Of course, I'm thrilled. Ella will be thrilled as well." Cesar wiped away the tears in his eyes, feeling grateful they had allowed him to join them on their journey.

"We're leaving tonight," Oscar informed her.

Sofia nodded, "that's great." She wanted to stay the rest of the week, but Cesar might change his mind if they waited. They needed to leave now. Her family would understand. They always understood.

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