Chapter 7

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After returning you to your door, Tendou left down the hallway with soft hums

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After returning you to your door, Tendou left down the hallway with soft hums. "Have a good night, Miss (l/n)," he said as you reached towards your door.

You gave a wave before you entered the door. Even with your door closed you could still hear the soft sound of the melody he had been singing.

As you looked down, you looked at the pastries in the bag in your hands and smiled. You could hardly believe he had been so kind as to show you this wonderful place that he enjoyed so much.

With a sigh, you looked up and saw your own reflection in the window. Your smile was bigger than you thought it had been and your eyes widened as you looked at yourself. You were giddy. This was the most pure joy you had experienced since you started this trip.

You sat at your desk and brought out a couple pastries to try and nearly laughed out loud from your own joy. God, you hardly ever acted like this even back home. This was all new and it was all because of--

Well, it was all because of that funky boy from your art class. This was all because of Tendou.

✦ ✦ ✦

You found yourself humming a soft melody as your brush met your canvas and you started a new project you had been wanting to begin for a while. Time was starting to get away from you more and more as your exchange continued.

Week two of the trip was well underway, and you happened to have free time on Thursday night, so you set yourself to starting a new project as you had wanted to do.

Ever since going to the first volleyball game, you asked Tendou to always tell you when the next game would be. On Tuesday during your shared class, he told you excitedly of another game and you happily made your way down to watch him in his true element.

Due to it being a weekday game, it ended with enough time for you guys to go down to the bakery before close. Tendou complained of having to actually pay for the pastries, but as soon as you had reached the register, he stuck his money in the hand of his uncle with a smile before you could pay with your own money.

"You didn't have to do that," you had said to him, which made him shake his head.

"Of course I did, you liar," he said, touching your nose gently with his index finger as he gave you a smile.

As you sat down at a little table and recounted the events of his game, you were quickly realizing that it was becoming one of your favorite places. Not only was the shop amazing, but any time you could spend with Tendou always felt safe. You were starting to consider him a closer friend than anyone from home.

Now, as you painted with one hand and ate one of the many pastries you had collected from the shop with the other, you were starting to realize how much Tendou had done for you these past couple of weeks.

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