Sucked In To The World.... SOUL EATER!

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Today was just an ordinary day as always and I started to walk back home from school looking into my phone and looking for more Soul Eater pictures. "Why can't I be in a world like them?" I said to myself and sighed a bit and put my phone back into my pocket not wanting to waist the battery that much. I continue to walk by myself till I reached home and unlocked the door. "I'm home." I said and looked around to see if my parents were home.

I walked around and saw a note on the table that said. 'Me and your Father are out. We will be back till tomorrow morning. We love you. From mom and dad.' "Really again? Ugh I'm going to my room." I said as I threw the paper back to the table and went upstairs to go look at more Soul Eater episodes.

~time skipped.~

It was 10:30pm and I continues to watch Soul Eater episodes. I started to get really sleepy as my eyes closed and I laid my head on the table while the Soul Eater episode I was watching in my computer still going on. Suddenly my computer started to glow brighter and pulled me into the anime world Soul Eater.

~time skip brought to you by watching Soul Eater.~

I started to wake up to the feeling of a conceit floor. I then looked around to see where I was at. "Where am.." I said as I saw a kishin was 10 feet away from me and killed a victim already. My eyes widen in terror and let out a gasp. The kishin then looked at me and started to go after me. I got up and then started running away. The kishin caught up to me and was right in front of me now. I fell to the ground in terror and closed my eyes tight as I knew that it was going to be my last day to live.

Suddenly I hears two gun shots that was shot at the same time. The kishin was now a kishin egg. I opened my eyes to see who was there and see if I was ok now. Then a person with three white stripes on the right side of his head. (Just to be clear you're facing him.)

"Liz. Patty." He said to his twin pistols and they turned back to their original form. "Looks like we got him Kid." The one with long dirty blonde hair said. "That unsymmetrical kishin. They discussed me." Then the girl with short blonde hair looked at my direction. "Patty what are you looking at?" 'Wait Patty? Am I in Soul Eater?' I said to myself in my head. "Aww she's so cute!" Patty went up to me and starts to hug you. "Can't. . . . Breath." I said trying to get air. "Patty I think she has enough hugging even before what happen to her." "Do you like giraffes?" Patty said ignoring Liz. Liz then went up to her and pulled Patty away from me and she started to pout. "Thanks Liz." My eyes widen at what I just said and I covered my mouth really quick.

Then Liz, Patty, and Kid looked at me weird. "Well I have to go thanks for saving me bye." That was the last thing I said before running off so anything won't get out of hand. 'Baka why did I have to say that in all times ugh!' I continue running when I felt like someone is staring at me from above. I then stopped and see what it was and it was another kishin. "Really?! Another?!" I then started to run again getting away from the kishin once again.
'I'm so useless! Why can't I do anything for myself?!' I looked around to see if their was any weapons around even if I'm not a mister at least I need something to self protect myself.

I then saw a scythe and gun but I got the scythe instead of the gun because the bullets can waist easily. I then grabbed the scythe and turn to attack the kishin but I was surprised that I swore that someone was watching me. I let that feeling go and finished the kishin and it turned to a kishin egg and I didn't know what to do with it. I sighed and remember the number to summon Death. I grabbed the kishin egg and the scythe and went up to a window. "42-42-564 if you want to knock on deaths door." I released I had my black scarf so I can cover half of my face with it. "Hello hello Death speaking." He said in his childish voice and then was looking at me. "Oh who might you be? And how do you know my number deary?" I sighed and smiled behind my scarf. "Hello let's just skip the introduction I have a kishin egg but I'm not actually a mister nor a weapon." He looked at me confused and then nods. "Oh ok I'll send someone to collect that kishin egg. Just leave it there deary and they'll get it." I nod and waved my hand goodbye to Death.

~time skip brought to you by Lord Death.~

I was waiting for the person to collect the kishin soul that I have gotten. I looked around and felt two souls of someone coming. I then stood up right since I was up against the wall slouching. I then thought to myself. 'How can I feel their soul present and their wavelengths too?' I snapped out of it and looked and who they were but didn't surprised me that much since it was Soul and Maka. They looked at me and then they looked at each other and nod. Maka was the first to talk. "Hello I'm Maka. I came her to collect the kishin soul that you have gain." I nod and took out the kishin egg from behind me and handed it to her. "Her you go." Once I gave it to her I then grabbed the scythe that I used and started to walk the opposite direction but was stopped by Soul who stood in front of me. "Who are you? And how did you killed a kishin without a weapon like me?"

I sighed and didn't want to talk at out since a lot was going on in one day. "Hay I haven't seen you in DWMA. Are you new here to the city?" Maka said as I was getting more irritated and then jumped on the nearest poll that was around and it was really high that I dough that I can reach but was able to go up that high. I then answer their question up there as the wind move forward to my face and push back my hair. "I'm (y/n) and I'm not from DWMA and yes I just got here today a few hours ago. And that last question of yours weapon is that something for you to know but for me to keep." That was the last thing I said before I jumped up to go on a roof and walk from there and jumped to the next one and so on.

~ I hope you guys like it I'm sorry for it to be so long but I was thinking what to put but I'll put Black Star on for the next chapter.~

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