Chapter Thirteen, Cabin Fever

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The days of travel were long and agonizing. Seeing the tops of the mountains gave you the equivalent feeling of finding diamonds after a long search through the mines. With Steve's instruction, you navigated towards the direction of Lake Axolotl, which rested in a tiny gulf off to the side of the mountain range. You couldn't deny that the scenery was beautiful. The sunlight reflected off the clear, blue water, and a few lilac flowers were dotted behind a few birch trees that stood on the banks. Sheep were grazing on the wide field beside it, peaceful and undisturbed. The more you looked at the lake, the more you felt tempted to dive in and swim across until every ounce of sweat was drained from your body. You loved being near water. Water was refreshing, it had the same representation of renewal and protection. Even though the lake wasn't even close to the ocean, it made you feel at home as if you were walking through a familiar dream. "The hideout is just above those cliffs. There's a lever that opens the door. It's hidden just behind the boulder that looks like a giant, upside down mushroom." He told you, pointing upwards towards the wall of stone. You nodded and stepped through the tall green grass, which coated your trousers with dew. One of your hands dragged along the rock while your eyes scanned everything. "It's to the right!" Steve called from the wooden cart.

"Found it." You called back once you spotted a cobblestone lever that was hidden behind a veil of green vines. When you flipped the oak stick, you didn't expect the red stone to work right away. However, to your surprise, the three large boulders in front of you slowly began to move. Each rock perfectly maneuvered away to reveal a pair of double oak doors. "Not bad." You commented as you began to help Steve stand up. He grimaced due to the pain in his ankle, but your comment seemed to cheer him up slightly. "Thanks. It took me a good three months to build that. I have plenty of supplies inside. We won't have to leave for a while." He replied. Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, you managed to pull him through the doorframe. Right after you entered, the boulders behind you moved back in place, automatically hiding the entrance once again. After entering, there was a spiral staircase that led downwards. Each corner was alit with the glow of lanterns. Since there was railing off to the side, Steve let go of you to lean onto the wooden beam instead.

"How long has this been here?" You asked. "This was my second house. My cottage was my first home just after I spawned in the woods. After a while, I guess I just got bored of it so I decided to create this place instead. Neat huh? I see your easily impressed. I know it's not as grand as Herobrine's mansion, but it gets the job done." He chuckled. When you got to the bottom of the stairs, your jaw nearly dropped when Steve flipped on the light switch. You were standing in a large, circular room that had a small, red brick fireplace and a white wool couch. The rug was both red and white, along with a crafting table that sat in the corner of a room. There was a simple sky blue vase containing a poppy that looked like it hadn't been watered in a month or two. Along the walls were large Birchwood beams that held the ceiling in place. When you looked to your left, you saw the kitchen, and when you looked to your right, you saw a single bedroom that included a small library off to the side. "I think it's amazing." You told him. Steve smiled at you, hoping that you'd set aside your resentment towards him because of the new living arrangements. He waddled over to the couch and said, "There should be a few healing potions in the bottom cabinet in the kitchen."

For the rest of the afternoon, you helped to bandage Steve's wounds with gauze. First, you'd pour the sour liquid onto the cuts, then you'd wrap and repeat. It was fairly easy until you got to his shoulder. Your face stained red when you realized he'd have to remove his shirt. When he noticed your predicament, he laughed at you and said, "Don't worry about the rest, go get something to eat. There's plenty of food." He shooed you away before you could say anything else. You were more than happy to oblige.

You decided to assign yourself with the task of cooking dinner. It wasn't really hard, especially with so many materials available to you. Besides, the kitchen was nice too. The counter was made of polished birch wood, and the furnaces were filled to the brim with coal, ready for the flames to come. You were craving something a little heavy since you felt famished, so you seasoned and sliced two chicken breasts before plopping them into the oven. You also decided to cook some fresh beetroot stew with carrots and potatoes all mixed together in a large metal bowl. You saw that he had cookies too. Even though they were a little stale from storage, you placed them beside the chicken in the furnace so that they'd soften. By the time you were pouring the soup into wooden bowls, the chicken was cooked and the cookies were as good as new. You weren't a bad cook, but you weren't the land's best chef either. If you had to rate yourself you would've been considered average in your own eyes. As you were removing the chicken from the furnace, you saw Steve wander into the kitchen out the corner of your eye. "It's not ready yet. Sit down, I'll bring it to you." You ordered him. "It smells amazing in here." He ignored your words and reached for a cookie. You smacked him on the wrist, "Dessert is after the meal, don't you have standards?"

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