³Prompt: 106 - The Fair

819 23 5

Getting stuck at the top of the Ferris Wheel


"Can you please just take us to the carnival?" Mike asked Steve and Lea who sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn between them.

The kids were all at the cabin pleading the older couple to take them to the county fair since it was only in town for a couple more days.

El and Mike sat there with puppy dog eyes while Lucas and Max had their arms crossed practically giving them the death stare because they had refused three times already. Will just sat there not really caring.

Lea rolled her eyes. "Guys we've been taking you everywhere for the past month."

"This can be the last time!" Lucas yelled. "We promise." Max nodded.

Steve groaned. "Why can't you guys just ride on your bikes there?"

"It's an hour away!" Mike told the them.

The boy cleared his throat and retracted his arm from around his girlfriend's shoulders. "So- so let me get this straight." He started. "You want me to spend an hour in the car with four of you shit heads when I'm supposed to be hanging out with my girlfriend?"

All four of them nodded with straight faces.

Lea scoffed. "You guys are insane!" She laughed, taking a few popcorn kernels and throwing them at Mike. The boy swatted them out of his hair and sighed.

"You can drive us and we'll leave you alone for the rest of the time. Then you guys can go make out in a corner or something." Mike tried to negotiate.

Lea looked at her boyfriend and back at the kids. "Fine but you have to pay for your own tickets." She told them. El knew that she was excluded since she didn't have any money.

The five cheered and Lea looked at Steve who had a very evident pout on his face. "This is why we like Dustin the most." He grumbled.

Lea subtly nodded and yawned, getting up from the couch. She held out her hand for her boyfriend and he took it, almost pulling her back down. She raised her eyebrows at him and he sighed, getting up.

"If your asses aren't in the car in two minutes, we're not going." Steve called out, dragging Lea to the door.


The fair was absolutely buzzing with people from all over Indiana. Lea was becoming more fond of the idea of the fair.

All the rides, the food, and the sunset in the sky made Lea excited to be there. On the other hand, Steve was not excited to be there but just seeing how excited his girlfriend was made him smile.

Lea turned to the kids. "Alright, guys. Meet back here at nine or your ass is getting left." She told them. They all nodded and ran off in the same direction, El and Mike holding hands. The blonde smiled at the sight and looked up at Steve.

"See? We can turn this into a date." She smiled. "No kids for a couple of hours, cheap fried food and fun games with stuffed animals!" She clapped. Steve rolled his eyes but smiled and threw his arm around her shoulders, hugging her into his side.

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