Chapter Fifteen

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Copy Right © All Rights Reserved By Louisa Ann 2020

I'm sorry for the long wait! A lot has been going on. Thank you all for the support-you guys don't know how much I appreciate it!


Today is the day.

Today will be the beginning of the rest of Georgia's life.

She stood in front of the elegant floor mirror-straightening her wedding gown. A smile formed on her lips as she thought about Peter in front of the church waiting for her to walk down the aisle.

Georgia thought of her father too; as he walks beside her to give her away. The thought made her emotional.

It wasn't sad tears-more like, tears of joy.

Georgia observed as her bridesmaids fuss around the suite, helping her get ready. She was grateful for Peter's little sisters and the young girl who saved her life in Maldives. That was a total nightmare.

"You are such a beautiful bride, Georgia," Angela said in awe, daydreaming of her own wedding one day. Georgia giggled and hugged her. "Thank you! Without you, I wouldn't be looking this beautiful today!" She joked making all of the girls laugh.

"Yeah, our brother would have been depressed if he lost her," Hannah piped in. She loved to tease her older brother. Georgia and all the other girls laughed once more.

"Alright ladies, sorry to cut the chit chat and laughter short but it's almost time for the wedding. You all will give Peter a heart attack if this doesn't start already," Alec said, chuckling. He ladies hurried around and grabbed their things before leaving the room to line up.

Alec walked into the room and smiled at his daughter. "You look beautiful my dear," he whispered, kissing her cheeks. Georgia's eyes began to tear up, holding on to her father tightly. "Thank you daddy," she replied. "I wish mom would've been here," she whispered. Alec squeezed her lightly in comfort.

"Don't worry, she'll be with you in spirit and in your heart," Alec replied, wiping the one tear that escaped from her eyes. "You look just like her on our wedding day. Radiant and absolutely beautiful," Georgia smiled and looped her arms through his.

"Thank you so much daddy," she replied with a genuine smile.

Peter waited nervously next to the preacher and his best man. "Man, calm down. You're about to turn purple if you don't breathe," Andrew whispered, chuckling. Peter shot his friend a glare. He took a deep breath and made his body relax. "Easy for you to say. I'm just nervous, I hope nothing happened to her. What's taking them so long?" He asked impatiently. His heart felt like it's going to explode in his chest from the anxiety.

Andrew chuckled whilst shaking his head. "They're women, it takes them years to get ready," he chirped. "Yeah, I agree on that one. Angela takes forever to get ready," Erik agreed with Andrew both men chuckling. Peter just shook his head, thanking them silently for getting him to relax a bit.

Then the music began to play as the double doors revealed the bridesmaids. Peter waited as his sisters began to walk down the aisle then Angela, whom was last. "Woah, who's that?" Andrew asked, his eyes focused on the girl, intensely.

Peter ignored him as his fiancé walked up to the door along side with her father and began to walk. His breath hitched at the sight of her. She look absolutely beautiful. His chest was filled so much love, making his eyes well up with tears.

Georgia couldn't keep her eyes off of Peter's. His eyes sparkled with love and he began to cry. Her heart ached and wanted to run to him, but she was afraid she'd end up falling and dragging her father with her. That would be embarrassing!

Alec and Georgia reached the front and he quickly kissed his daughter on the cheek then gave her to the man who he knew will always take care of her.

The wedding began and it went smoothly. The preacher was about to pronounce them husband and wife when the doors busted open.

"I object!" Bethany pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger. "If I can't have Peter then no one can!"

Georgia screamed as Peter stood in front of her holding onto his stomach. "No!" Peter collapsed into her arm and held her face. "I love you," he whispered.


"No!" Georgia screamed waking up, drenched in sweat and tears. "Georgia, I have been trying to wake you up for the last ten minutes. What's the matter, love?" Peter asked worriedly. Georgia shook her head and focused on Peter. "Thank god you're alive!" She hugged Peter tightly and cried into his hard chest. "Shh. It's alright, I'm not going anywhere," he whispered, kissing the top of her head.

It took an hour to finally get her back to sleep. She refused to tell him what had happened so Peter let it go, for now. For the rest of the night, he held onto her and she hugged him tighter.


Tell me what y'all think!! Mwuah!




Love you guys!


Louisa <3

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