Chapter 2

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NamJoon was eating the pasta that his mother made and noticed that JaeHyun was still looking at him.

"What are you looking at?", NamJoon askes and JaeHyun smiled before looking away.

"NamJoon, don't be rude. JaeHyun probably missed you so much.", Mrs Kim said while patting JaeHyun's hand.

NamJoon rolled his eyes and continues to eat his pasta quietly.

"So JaeHyun, how is the new movie that you're working on?", Mrs Kim asked.

"So JaeHyun, how is the new movie that you're working on?", Mrs Kim asked

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JaeHyun smiled and said, "It's going good. Hopefully my acting skills are good.".

"That's great to hear. NamJoon ah, JaeHyun is really good, right?", Mrs Kim said and NamJoon glares at him.

"I've seen better actors than him.", NamJoon said and JaeHyun nods with a smile before continuing to eat.

When dinner was done, NamJoon stayed around for awhile and sat on the couch while Mrs Kim was still talking with JaeHyun.

"Babe, I'll be heading home now. Do you need me to drive you home?", JaeHyun asked and NamJoon shook his head without saying anything.

Mrs Kim sat down next to NamJoon after sending JaeHyun off and wondered if he was alright.

"Are you still angry with what happened?", Mrs Kim asked.

NamJoon chuckled and nods his head.

"Who wouldn't be, Eomma?", NamJoon said.

"Who knows he could've been sleeping with some other random guy at his house.", NamJoon continued.

"Time for me to head home then.", NamJoon said.

He needed a rest for a big day tomorrow and Mrs Kim held her son's hand.

"NamJoon ah, I want you to be happy. That's all I want from you.", Mrs Kim said while holding her tears back.

NamJoon sighed and said, "I'll be happy if JaeHyun is not in my life.".


NamJoon arrives back at his house and heads to his studio room.

Then, many notification came in his phone and NamJoon checks to see that it was his fans welcoming him back to Korea.

namjoonluv94: welcome back to korea, oppa! can't wait for your next album. see uuu tomorrow!

lovelynamjoon: oppa, you're back in korea! yay, hope to see you on stage again! tomorrow i'll take selfies of us.

knjluv: can't wait for the album, oppa! it will be the best album forever. so pumped for the fanmeeting tomorrow

youronlyfan97: excited to be seeing you at the fanmeeting tomorrow. see you soon, namjoon

NamJoon smiled after seeing all the comments from his fans and looks back at his schedule.

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