Take Me Back

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Kendall didn't know why he was upset, he felt kind of ashamed and lonely. But why? He never did anything wrong. Or maybe it's because..., no! He had to stop thinking about her. She was his one true love, but he fell for the wrong girl. He broke up with her 2 months ago and he was sorry to say that he had made a mistake in breaking her heart, because when he broke her heart, he broke his.

"Jo..." That was her. His 1st true love, now gone, well not really gone because she still lived in the Palm Woods, but he let her go. He cried out for her even though he knew it was too late. He thought he had fallen for Lucy Stone, but made the mistake because she knew that he only believe he was in love with her, but Lucy told him to go back to Jo because she knew that it would be best for both of them. He lost 2 amazing girls. Lucy had moved out because she wanted to get Kendall to fall in love with Jo again, not her, because he didn't love her like he loved Jo.


"Dude if you're gonna mope about Jo all day long go somewhere else, me and Carlos wanna play some video games and we can't do while your here sobbing and crying over Jo," James said. "James, he just needs some alone time," said Carlos. "Let's just go to the movies or something." "No guys, I'll go take a walk in the park, you guys can play video games," Kendall said.

Kendall needed to clear his head for a while. He walked to the park and bumped into someone. "Oh sorry," he mumbled. "That's fine," the voice said. He knew that voice anywhere, the lovely girly tone, the voice that would always make him smile no matter what. The voice was no other than Jo's. "Oh, hey Jo, what's up?" "Kendall?" "Yeah, uhh, sorry I bumped into you." "No, it was my fault." "Umm, Jo, can we talk, in private I mean?" "Uhh, ok," she said with an unsure tone.

"Jo, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to break up with you ok, I just wasn't thinking straight. I was being the dumbass that I am and I'm sorry. I can't ever forgive myself for that. I was just wondering if we could like start over and I kind of wanna ask you if you want to have dinner tonight at my place, and..." "Kendall, I understand." "You do?" "Yeah, Lucy told me what happened and well..." He hugged her before she could even find the right words to say. "Jo, I have something very important to tell you tonight, but it's a suprise." "Hold up, I never agreed to going to dinner with you or anything!" "Wait what? So you don't want a new start or a date?" "Well, you have to ask me out properly, like the 1st time you did, with the flowers, and the music, you know, stuff you did before." "Oh, I see, I have to get you the hard way," he said with a smile. "Was it really that hard Knight?" she smirked.

Later at the park again...

Jo felt a tap on her shoulder. "Excuse me Jo Taylor?" She turned around to see a fancy dressed Kendall with a happy face on and a banquet of flowers in his hands. Logan came out with a violin in his hand and began to play some music. "Kendall?" she asked a bit confused. "That's me," he said. "Anyways, Jo Taylor, will you go out with me?" he asked with the flowers in one hand and his other hand obviously hiding something behind his back. "Yes Kendall Knight, I would love to." I took the flowers as he pulled out his other hand. "This is for you Jo." He opened the box in his hand and pulled out a golden necklace with the engraving "Kendall's Sweetheart Forever" on it.

"Kendall, you didn't have to go this far, I mean the flowers and Logan were enough, but this...

I did what I didn't expect to do at all. I ran up and kissed him, softly and passionately. "Shall we go onwards with our date then?" he asked after putting the necklace on me. "I have to change first silly!" "Alrright but hurry, I still have another surprise for you. "Another one really? How many surprises do I have to get?" "A lot," he said with a smirk. "Just go get changed, I'll be waiting out here for you."

"Ok, why do you have to cover my eyes though?" "Cause, it's a surprise!" They reached the apartment. "Surprise", he whispered in her ear. "Wow Kendall, you really didnt' have to do this," she said. "I told you it was a surprise." He had set up a fancy dinner date just for the 2 of them. There were candles, flowers, and fancy food (perfected food). "Kendall, I don't what to say.." "Then don't say anything." He kissed her cheek. "How did you even get the whole place to yourself?" "Well, my mom and Katie are visiting my Aunt back in Minnesota for a few weeks, and the guys offered to stay out of our way for a few days or so."

"Kendall, this has been the most amazing date ever in my life," Jo said after they ate. "Well, what can I say, I work to perfect things," he said with a smile.

He stood up, walked over to her, and took her hand so that she could stand up. He then knelt on 1 knee and took out a box with a matching bracelet in it. "Jo Taylor, will you be my girlfriend?" he said with pleading eyes.

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