Boyfriends and Perverts

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A/N: Sorry for the really late update, but I was on vacation

in Maine, no Internet, plus it's hard to come up with ideas, so

please don't hate me. Anyways, here's the chapter you've all been waiting for...


"Hey Kendall, we need to PRIVATE this time," Jo said on the phone. "Okay, I'll be there in 5."


"So what do you wanna talk about?" "You have to listen to me very carefully, cause this isn't easy on me and it won't be for you either." "Are you going to break up with me!" By now Kendall was on the verge of tears.

"No,no, nothing like that, it's just..."

"Just what?" "Remember that story I told you about, with my sister's boyfriend and everything?" "Yeah?"

"Well, he's in LA." "Come again?" "He's here." "Are you sure, cause, I mean, maybe you were just hallucinating, or..." "-I'm sure Kendall. He's in L.A. and just escaped prison." "Screw him, I'll protect you," he said walking up to Jo and wrapping his arms around her.

"Thanks babe." "Anything for you." "He's grown Kendall." "So? I think I could knock him out pretty easily with these bad boys," he said happily holding up his biceps.

"I'm scared," whispered Jo. "Shh, there's nothing to be scared of, he won't come near you with the cops lookin around for him. Bitters even hired top-notch security guards to watch out for him. Plus, you have me and the guys, but mainly me, around. No one's gonna come near you," he kissed the top of her forehead.

"Thank you." "For what," Kendall asked sarcastically." "Everything."

---Time Skip---

"So," asked Kendall, "whatcha wanna do now?" "Hmm, I dunno." "How bout we watch a movie?" "Sure, okay."

"Do you wanna rent a movie or what?" "I guess, or we could just scroll down the guide and watch a movie from whatever channel we land on," Jo stated. "Alright, let's see what's on then."

"The Smurfs is on, or we could watch Mall Cop, oh I know, Kick-Ass," Kendall said while scrolling.

"But I've seen all of these," Jo whined. "Hey, don't complain, this was YOUR idea in the first place." "Well, I don't want to watch tv anymore, there's nothing interesting or fun on."

"Well then what do you suppose we do Miss Jo Taylor?" "I dunno."

Kendall shut the tv off. "Well Miss Jo Taylor, I think I have the cure for your moodiness!" "Wh-what! I'm not moody, I'm just bored as hell!" "Well, I think I know just how to solve your boredom." Kendall kissed her full on the lips.

"You really think a make out session with you will cure my boredom," Jo whispered. "Nah, but I know what will," Kendall said seductively. "Come on," he said, leading them to his room.

"Oh, so you think that having sex with you is the answer?" "No, I'd have my doubts on that, I think that having kinky sex with me is most definitely the answer," Kendall said flipping Jo onto his bed. "And what exactly are we going to do to make it kinky?" "Oh on the contrary my dearest darling Jo," Kendall said quite loudly. "It is what I'm going to do to you."

He pulled out a pair of handcuffs. "Oh," Jo simply said. Kendall pulled off her shirt and handcuffed her to his bed.

Jo's Pov

Oh my gosh, what's he going to do to me? Is he going to rape me? Wait it's not really rape if I want to have sex too. Oh my god he's so seductive. Oooh, I like this side of him, the sexy badass side. I can't wait to see what he's gonna do! He better fuck me good, 'cause if he doesn't, I'm not the only one getting handcuffed tonight. Oh my god what's happening to me! Why am I saying this shit? Why am I soooo fucking horny! "Kendall please fuck me!" Oh my gosh did I just say that? Since when do I curse? Why is this happening? "Why is he so god damned sexy? I just want him to fuck me and never stop." Holy shit, why do I keep saying things out loud!

Narrator's Pov

"Oh, so you think I'm sexy," smiled Kendall. He bent over to kiss Jo. "Don't worry babe, I won't be too rough," Kendall's nice side said. "But, we do have the entire place to ourselves tonight, and by the time I'm finished with you, you won't be able to walk for a week."


A/N sorry I don't post this up sooner, but school just started and I have a bunch of stuff to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2013 ⏰

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