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Nick and Hannah had reached their suite. It was a very spacious room with a huge king size bed and a luxury bathroom and tub and shower.

" It looks lovely sweetie." Hannah said.

" It sure does" Nick replied.

" Vegas would have been better" he thought to himself.


Nick noticed an odd basket on the bed. It was filled with children's toys and even some children's clothing along with pullups swim diapers and regular diapers.

Although the weird thing was they looked big enough for an adult to wear.

" They must have played a joke on us Hannah"

Hannah walked up to the basket and saw the items saying

" Awww they look adorable and cute"

Poking his ribs... She said

" Why don't you trying this stuff on?

Nick looked at her saying

" Are you crazy? These look like you could fit in them"

Hannah smiled saying

" Come on my love. For me ?"

Nick sighed ...

" Oh well if it will shut her up"

He nodded ok and Hannah tore into the basket.

She grabbed a light blue tye dye shirt some shorts and a pair of childish looking underwear far more distinguishing than his boxer he was wearing.

Hannah started to undress Nick and he said...

" I can do this myself"

Hannah giggles saying....

" Awww come on my love it will give me practice for when we have our own children."

Nick sighed...

" Yeah that's never gonna happen but as long as it shuts her up"

Hannah began to undress Nick and she held open the underwear and Nick reluctantly stepped into them and Hannah pulled them up to his privates and made sure they were snuggly in place.

She then pulled his shirt off and replaced it with the tye dye shirt.

Once it was done... She smiled saying

" Awww there's mommy's little munchkin*

Nick was gushing bright red at his reflection in the mirror

" Hannah stop. You're not my mother"

She giggled swaying

" Aww play along my love. It will be fun"

Nick huffed and said reluctantly

" Ok mom"

Hannah grabbed his flip flops and helped him put them on his feet.

Nick was literally embarrassed but thank goodness it was done in the room rather than outside in public.

Nick thought to himself

" I can stomach this until Jackie gets here I guess"

Hannah grabbed her purse saying

" Come on Nicky... Let's go see the wonderful resort"

She went to grab his hand like a small child but he refused...

" Come on my love... Play the part" Hannah said

Nick said..

" What part?"

Hannah replied

" You're the little boy and I'm your mom"

Nick groaned

" UGHH okay. But this isn't going to be a long thing"

Hannah smiled poking his ribs again saying

" Oh it would be adorable though. "

Nick groaned again and let Hannah take his hand in hers and she led him out of the room to explore the resort.

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