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Takagi and Y/n burst through the door to Mashiro's studio, wailing and gasping for air. Y/n collapsed on the ground and Takagi threw himself onto the sofa.

"Wh-what the?!" Mashiro stood up from his work. "Are you guys okay?"
"Physically, yes," Y/n responded, taking deep breaths, not moving to pick herself up off the ground. "Emotionally, no."

"I don't even think I'm physically okay," Takagi chimed in. "My lungs popped from running too hard."

"What were you guys doing?" Mashiro pressed, moving Y/n's feet out of the way so he could shut the door completely. "Were the police chasing you or something?"

"No, it's a long story," Y/n said, regaining her breath. She turned onto her back to look up at the concerned Mashiro. "But I had to throw away my Yu-Gi-Oh cards."

"And my Pokemon cards," Takagi added disdainfully.

Mashiro seemed underwhelmed. "That's it?"

"That's it?" Takagi and Y/n shot up. Takagi kept speaking. "I've had each of those Pokemon cards since I was in kindergarten! They're near and dear to me."

"We have to get our cards back," Y/n said, resolution in her voice. "I'm certain my sister collected them and will use them as bait to bring me back home. But those Yu-Gi-Oh cards mean the world to me, and we need to get them back."

"I'd like to join you, L/n, on your mission," Takagi said, instantly serious. He leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees. "I'm all ears."

Y/n sat next to him on the sofa. "Yes. I appreciate you, Takagi. We'll wait until the cover of night to-"

"Hold up," Mashiro said, waving his hands in front of him. "You're willing to risk your freedom just to get those cards back?"

Y/n looked up to meet his blue eyes, full of concern and love as deep as the ocean. "I am."

"Even though it's a trap?"


Mashiro could sense the conviction and determination from Y/n, so he backed down. Why did all his friends have to be so hard-headed? He looked at Takagi. "Shujin, you're okay with this?"

"Of course!" He cheered, bouncing up and down. "I feel so hyped!"

"Takagi," Y/n placed a hand on his leg, causing him to stop. "Now is not the time to celebrate. We haven't even discussed our plan."

"Y-yeah," Takagi scratched the back of his neck.

Y/n didn't have much of a plan, basically saying that at 10:00 pm they'll sneak in through her room's window. Miyoshi also showed up, and Y/n relayed her plan to her, and Miyoshi insisted she join, but Y/n denied her, saying, "I don't want to drag any more innocent civilians into this."

Once it was 9:50, Takagi put down his storyboards and Y/n finished chatting with Miyoshi, and the two of them left.

"Good luck!" Mashiro and Miyoshi cried after them.

Once Y/n and Takagi were out of earshot, Miyoshi said, "Do you think they'll come back alive?"

"Probably, with blood spewing out of them," Mashiro answered.

"It's 10:00 in seven . . . six. . . wait, oops, . . . two and one," Takagi said, looking at his watch.

"Let's go," Y/n whispered. She swung herself up the tree that reached her second-floor bedroom and tried the window. Good, she thought to herself. She always kept her window unlocked for just-in-cases, and thankfully, her parents hadn't locked it. She noticed Takagi was still on the ground, staring up at her.

She sharply beckoned him to join her, but he shook his head. Is he unable to climb trees? She sighed. Whatever. She needed to continue with the mission. She slid open the window and climbed inside like a cat. The moonlight spilled into her bedroom, bathing everything in an eerie light. Now, where would her sister keep their cards? In a safe? In her own room? In their parent's room?

But that question was quickly answered as the light was flicked on and Y/n's older sister stood there in front of the door.

"Crap!" Y/n exclaimed and scrambled toward the window.

"Ah, dear imouto," Her sister tilted her head to such a dangerous degree, and smiled such a terrifying smile. "Did someone miss their duel monsters?" She was holding both Takagi's cards and Y/n's cards in each hand.

"I'll come back for them later!" Y/n laughed awkwardly and put one leg out the window. "Keep 'em safe for me!"

"No! Y/n, get back here." Her sister demanded, and something in her voice made Y/n stop. Her sister started walking toward her, and Y/n thought she was gonna slap her until she grabbed her hand and shoved the cards into it.

Y/n only stared at the cards. What was her sister doing? Was this a cruel joke? She looked up at her, whose face was soft, whose face was the same face of the little girl who wanted to be a dancer.

"I was surprised you still cared about those cards," Her sister said quietly. "I remember those Yu-Gi-Oh fangirl days."

Y/n laughed uneasily. "Yeah . . ."

"I'm sorry, Y/n," She said, eyes full of sorrow. "I've ruined everything between us. You've always been amazing. I know that the oldest sibling is supposed to be a good example, but I was a terrible one. And I'm glad you didn't follow me."

Y/n gripped the cards. "I can't say it's okay, but I will say that I forgive you."

Y/n's older sister wiped her eye, then said, "Go! Run! Follow your dreams!"

She nodded, and disappeared out the window. She let out a relieved laugh as she jumped down the tree and broke into a sprint. "Takagi! Let's go!"

Startled, Takagi shouted, "Wait! Are we being chased?!" With his position behind Y/n, he noticed something sparkly fall away from her face.

"Wah! Are you crying?!"

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