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𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝗼𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬:

(Y/n)-your name


𝐒𝐞𝐜𝗼𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝗼𝐧 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"(Y/n) please stop running!" Shinsou called after you. After getting a hold of your arm he let out a huff. "He need to find d- your dad, stupid Halloween party." The violet haired boy said mumbling his words a bit. You nodded and let Shinsou hold your hand and not your arm. Any dumb person or Karen will most likely think he's kidnapping you if he were to still hold onto your arm like he was.

"I think Aizawa would most likely be where somewhere is quiet, I can't rely on Yamada right now as he's probably getting drunk with the spiked punch and most of the students are avoiding at this point." Shinsou mumbeld to himself. You didn't really pay attention to him at the moment. You were all amazed at your costume. It was homemade by 'Aunty Nem'. A dark haired woman who spoiled you until your teeth were rotten.

She made your costume to make you look like a mini Aizawa. Of course your dad was embarrassed by this but a little touched when you were excited for your costume. Touching the yellow goggles that were actually a prototype from Aizawa's first hero costume you felt like they were worth a billion dollars(even Midoryia offered a large sum of money for them).

"I see him." Shinsou said pulling you outside. Outside there were Halloween decor and there was a cool breeze. It seems like your dad had passed out on one of the sun chairs that had fake caution tape on it. "Mr.Aizawa, wake up." Shinsou said letting go of your hand and pushing the ravenettes arm in attempt to wake his teacher.

You noticed that Aizawa wasn't waking up. Well time your special move! Dodging the fake caution tape you then jumped onto Aizawa making him wake right away making him spit up his guts a bit. "(Y/n)!" Both Aizawa and Shinsou yelled. You looked at both of them but then just hugged Aizawa, glad that he's awake.

"Wake me up in a nicer way next time (y/n)." Aizawa scolded rubbing the top of your head. "Sorry to wake you buuut I'm pretty sure most of the adults here that went to this party is probably drunk from the spiked punch." Shinsou said pointing towards the building. Aizawa defeated, he didn't want to deal with a bunch of drunk adults, even having to deal with most of their hangovers in the morning. It was even a school night. He doubts Nezu will cancel school tomorrow for their hangover as well.

"Just let them be, if they start doing anything stupid we'll stop them before they do." He said laying back down bringing you down with him. It was late at night and it looks like you were falling asleep. Shinsou wasn't surprised by his teachers response. Of course Aizawa wouldn't care if the teachers were drunk at the moment.

Shinsou sighed and laid down in the next sun chair. He didn't want to go back to the party. He got in the middle of a almost love triangle between Kaminari and Monoma. Kaminari being a flirt he is and Monoma trying to one up him since Kaminari was in class A. He was bummed that they were just trying to get with him for their own desires and not for a actual relationship.

"What wrong, is there something on your mind?" Aizawa questioned not moving or even opening his eyes. "Nothing, just thinking." Shinsou replied not wanting to get into it. Aizawa hummed letting it go. He figured that Shinsou will come to him on his own time and not to push the kid.

"Did we even bring (y/n) trick-or-treating?" Shinsou questioned.


Hi! I am not the author.. I am his friend and he allowed me to write a Halloween chapter for you all! He felt like he should write a chapter for the Holiday but what he previously said he doesn't have the time to do so. So I offered to write for him! Sorry that its short and the writing style is messy I did the best I can. The author wishes to see you in the next chapter and to have a wonderful morning/aftetnoon/evening!


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