A promise

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I looked around once Steve led me onto the Skeld. It was definitely a smaller ship, one that could easily use a one person crew to operate. Maybe I'd just take this.

I had gotten attached and I didnt want to turn in the crew. I knew it would just break my heart. But I had no option, no choice. So I would do it anyway.

Steve showed me around, but I wasn't really focused on the tour. I focused on him. I was determined to memorize everything about him.

His body, the way he moved, the way his hair seemed to always fall into his eyes, the way he spoke with excitement and toxicity.

He dragged me down the halls, showing me rooms and even pointing out where the vents led. He showed me how to fix anything that went wrong.

"Steve, head to security soon," Hafu said as she passed us. She flashed a smile as she realized we were holding hands, clearly she thought it was cute. 5up waved slightly as he passed, close behind his twin

Hafu had grown to be a sister to me. Almost a mother figure in ways. The way he scolded Steve, and the way she took care and ran her ship.

And 5up was like the brother I never had. He may not always trust me but hes willing to invite me onto a ship despite our history.

We passed by DK and Scott, both in the electrical room. DK waved to us and spoke for a second but I wasn't listening. He was talking to Steve.

Dakotaz was one of my friends by now. We were close enough that he knew me pretty well. But he couldn't read me easily

Scott on the other hand could somehow read me with ease. I knew he could sense I was nervous, but he didn't know why

Steve dragged me to the medbay so we could scan, Janet and Kimi watching as we did.

Janet was like an older sister to me. She took care of the people on the crew and made sure nobody was hurt.

And Kimi was like the sibling friend that was always around, the one that everyone adored. Just happily living her life.

Ellum and Koji came in to scan, both smiling.

Ellum was like the annoying younger brother who somehow hasn't died yet. The one that you would protect but bully at the same time

And Koji was of course the friend dragged into the messes that Ellum makes, just being roped in my association

And I continued to hold his hand, not sure I wanted to let him go just yet. So I didnt. And I wouldn't until 5up made me put in the coordinates. Well, first I had to tie them up, I just needed to know where Navigation was, and Steve had just shown me.

He dragged me to the room we were supposed to share for now. It was clearly just his as the two beds had been pushed together.

"Nice room," I teased. The red color was everywhere, clearly showing who it belonged to. He glared at me

"Shut up," he muttered to me. I squeezed his hand and dropped it, sitting down on the bed. He sat down on my lap and gave me a small glare.

"What?" I asked, amused by how he was acting.

"Come on. We have to go to security," he mumbled and clearly was gonna end up on my lap in there as well. But I needed to catch them all, and I knew just how to do it.

"No. You have to. Please Dumbdog," he begged. I hated to say no, especially to him. His big brown eyes had a pleading look as he gazed at me.

"Steve, I want to go explore. Ok? It's just my thing. Ill be in there in a bit," I told him. He gave me an untrusting look.

"Promise?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

"I promise,"

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