Your 'my' enemy.

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Summary: Mono wouldn't bother if Seven got hurt during there fights. He had unknown feelings for that guy. But when he found Seven almost bleeding to death, he knew what those feelings were. Maybe he always did.

Warnings for exclipt language, bullying, fighting, and oh dear God lots of blood mention. What can we say, teenagers scare the living shit outta me.

Another school au cause you guys love em apparently.

Both are 17 here.

Some kids name are made up cause idk who will fit them from the little nightmares franchise.

Raincoat girl is named Veronica. (Also I headcannon her with her name being Zero as a number lol) at this point the whole Fandom is just split apart between five, four, Veronica and Eleven lol


Seven was sprinting to his next class. He got in trouble with some kid he bumped on, and it took him a couple of 'talks' to get away.

Who said he wouldn't bump into more people? Get into more trouble?

He was 3 meters away from his class when he bumped into a boy wearing a paper bag.

It didn't take him long to figure out who he was.

"Watch where your going!" The latter shouted at him. And of course, even if he was close to being late to class, he still won't miss the moment to talk with him.

Or rather, talk back.

"Dude stop being blind then and move out of the way!" He shot back. It was hard to make out what emotions they were giving off, since Seven had half of his face covered, and Mono's face wasn't visible at the slightest.

But they were used to each other at this point, they didn't need to see they're face to know what they are feeling inside.

Mono put his hand on Seven's shoulder, as he pushed him back slightly before holding tight.

"You expect me, out of everyone else to make way for you? Are you still dreaming like the half the time you do?" Seven flinches a little but Mono didn't see it. He didn't like someone bringing up his dreams, especially since he didn't like having them, and was the biggest insomniac in the school.

Although he can't stop himself from falling asleep in classes. Because they are just so boring, plus this kid at his class who wears a raincoat keeps humming a tune in a melodious voice, and it's hard not to sleep right then and there.

Mono is friends with that kid, Six he calls her. She has a nice voice, Seven would admit that.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when Mono suddenly backed him up towards the wall.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you shithead." Mono's voice was bitter. Normally he wasn't the kind of guy to be touchey, but with Seven he just can't help himself.

"Geez asshat stop obsessing over my voice, you in love with me or something?" Seven looked into the holes of the paper bag, being as direct as he could.

The crowd of people behind them giggled to themselves at the commotion. 'Here they go again.' was the most common sentence they could make out of there. The whole school practically knew about their rivalry.

Mono and Seven knew eachother's weaknesses, and they often used it against eachother. Somehow it didn't affect them much no matter how close at home the comments felt.

"Silence!" Mono shouted, as the whole hall died down of any sort of noise they were making, quietly making their way to their classes again. They know better than to mess with the broadcaster.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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