2: "your kind of kinky~"

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I hated The original version of this chapter so i decided to remake it now that the book is finished
The remake is currently unfinished but im posting what i have written of it so far here so no one else reads the old version anymore
I have written up to the start of the sus scene so far
I honestly dk when i will finish this bc i haven't been very motivated recently


Zizzy: so~ What were you doing before all of this officer~
Y/N: I was a police officer looking for a missing kid, my neighbor actually….
Y/N: George Piggy. You know him? *holds up the missing poster*
Zizzy: yeah, Penny’s dorky brother who’s obsessed with dinosaurs, how could you not *laughs*
Pedro: I didn’t know he was missing…
Y/N: we can talk about this later… what were you guys doing before this started?-
Pedro: I was studying to be an optometrist, and getting shoved in lockers…
Zizzy: i was a fencing coach, keyword was, i got fired because my jealous coworker sent some “compromising photos” to our boss- *blushes slightly*
Zizzy: and getting him out of lockers.. *laughs*
Y/N: alright… So are you two the only ones here?...
Pedro: no, its me and Zizzy, Gerald, Mimi and Zizzy’s little sisters! *smiles*
Zizzy: but we could use some more company, especially company as pretty as you~ *seductive giggles*
Y/N: *blushes*
Zizzy: So how'd you end up at the carnival? I heard you were looking for Mr. P.
Y/N: Mr. P has been giving out potions, they turn you into the infected. I need to stop him!
Zizzy: well lovey, i'm sure we could help you find him~

The three of you hear shuffling in a nearby dumpster.

Pedro: Wh-what was that?...
Y/N: i think someone’s watching us, i’ll go check it out
Zizzy: right behind you lovey~ *follows you over to the dumpster*

The shadowy figure speeds off, you and Zizzy chase after them.
The two of you chase them to a nearby mall.

Zizzy: They ran this way!
Y/N: a mall? Why would they hide here?...
Zizzy: who knows, people who eavesdrop from dumpsters are usually pretty unpredictable…
Y/N: *giggles, follows Zizzy into the mall*
Zizzy: Hey Y/N~

You turn your head to her.

Y/N: yeah?-

Zizzy pounces on you.

Zizzy: caught you~ *slightly maniacal laugh*
Y/N*blushing*: hey what was that for?-
Zizzy: *kisses your neck*

While she was staring down at you you see her lick her lips you notice her sharp fangs you think to yourself, “is that normal, yeah im sure its fine”

While you were lost in thought Zizzy was sucking hickeys on your neck.

Y/N: *moans softly*

Suddenly, Zizzy's ears pricked up.

Zizzy: Y/N, do you hear that?

You cling to Zizzy, knowing she was much stronger than you and could protect you from the infected that was inevitably going to come around the corner. Strangely, what came around the corner wasn't an infected, it was the mall security robot Robby, but he looked way more menacing than you remembered, his eyes red, ear broken off and his chainsaw arm out, he saw the two of you as a security threat…

Robby: Threat detected! *runs toward the two of you*
Zizzy: *blocks his chainsaw with her sword* go ahead Y/N, i’ll deal with this pile of scrap metal! *looks back at you and winks*
Y/N: whatever you say Zizzy… *runs off around the corner*

You left Zizzy, but a part of you was worried and hoping she would be ok.

You overhear Zizzy shout “take that you bucket of bolts!” and then you hear her shout “FUCK” and whimper like she got hurt. You run back around the corner and see Robby on the floor broken and twitching, but also, Zizzy looking down at her leg, there was a huge cut across her upper leg.

Zizzy x female reader (Piggy Roblox au)Where stories live. Discover now