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X is sitting at a computer desk working remotely from home. It's too dangerous for them to go out to work without having powers. X is only 15 but they are an agent for the Seismic Incorporation Mega Plan Agency, also known as the S.I.M.P Agency. This government agency has a plan to capitalize on the power of the Earth to stop villains by using seismic waves. X's job is to recruit new members with seismic class powers. There are 10 classes of powers being: seismic, hydro, infernal, volt, phyto, magic, energy, destruction, enhancement, and chrono. X isn't knowledgeable in power classes due to never being sent to school for it like most people, but they know seismic powers by earth relations. X suddenly turns their head after hearing a sound. Reon had opened the door and walked in. Reon immediately said "Yo yo yo what is up nerd my name is Reon and welcome to another Fortnite Imposters video." X sighs and replies with "Hello Mario." They both laugh.

Reon asks X "Have you gotten any new recruits today?" while grabbing a cup and making water materialize inside of it. X replies "No, this weeks been slow with recruits. It's like we've gotten everyone in the world with seismic class powers already!" Reon says "Yeah I get it, there's not too many left considering this is a worldwide operation." X says in frustration "This job is so boring I wish there was something else I could do!" Reon says back to them "I know dude, I wish I could help I really do. But you know no other workplace will accept you. If it were up to me you'd be at the top of the ranks of this damn agency but there's not anything I can do." X says "We need more people like you Reon." Reon lightly blushes and struggles to think of how to respond before saying "I am pretty great aren't I." in a non-convincing attempted confident voice. X laughs and says "You sure are. Anyways, what's been up with you today?" Reon says "Didn't end up going to work today, I had to go to get checked up by the Hydrologist. Apparently my powers have strengthened exponentially since the last time I was there. He said I have potential to become the most powerful in my class, although it was probably just to motivate me." X replies with "Oh wow that's really cool. Just wish I could experience stuff like that too." Reon leans down and hugs X. He says to them "It's ok, it doesn't matter if you don't have any powers, you're still really cool and a great person. If anything, you not having them is cooler than if you did since it's so rare." X hugs Reon back and just says "Thanks."

Suddenly X's computer had a popup. Reon gets up and X looks back at the screen to see it was a video meeting with someone. Upon closer inspection, X realized this video meeting was from the leader of the S.I.M.P Agency, basically the ruler of the world. They immediately clicked the accept button, although their computer had no camera or microphone, so the boss couldn't hear or see them. The boss said "Hello Destroyer Alex, it's me, Simp. I have a new mission for you. Collect the secret services and bring them to me. From there I will absorb small fractions of their powers and I will become a god. After that I will execute the S.I.M.P to wipe out every last being on this planet excluding us and the secret services. . . . Destroyer Alex? Wait..... I didn't click the wrong name, did I.......?" Simp looked down at his screen and saw the name of the person he was in a meeting with. His face went pale and then he looked like he made a realization and his face calmed. "Agent X, the one without powers. You've been quite the helpful agent, one of my most valued ones. It's a shame that you will have to be executed after this. Since you are powerless, my fighters will easily take you on. Soon my friend, your last hour strikes." The meeting then ends.

X and Reon look at each other in shock at what just happened. Reon blurts out "We need to go right now." Reon starts running towards his bedroom to grab a bag but X yells out to him "You don't need to go! Don't worry about me, I will go on my own. I don't want your safety jeopardized because of me. Reon snapped back "I don't care if I'm in danger as long as I can keep you safe. I'm not staying, X." Reon goes into his room and gathers some important things and puts them in a small backpack. He puts it on, comes back to X, and ushers them out the door. X asks "Where the hell do we even go?" Reon says "I don't know, but we can't stay here. Our best bet may be to go to-" X cuts him off by saying "I'm not going there. Listen, I thought of something. We can't just worry about running away. We need to stop Simp. If we don't, everyone's gonna die!" Reon yells back almost in tears "X are you hearing yourself? We can't beat Simp and the secret services! You don't even have any powers, how would you plan on beating them! And even with me, do you think I can beat people like Destroyer Alex? We can't do this, it's not worth our lives, it's not worth your life!" X says back "I don't need powers. I believe when it comes to power I'm easily outclassed, but in a battle of wits, I could easily win. And I believe- no I KNOW you are strong enough to beat these clowns. Now are you gonna sit and watch the world burn or are you gonna come with me to put out that fire?" X puts their hand out to Reon. Reon grips it tightly and says "Damn it fine, I can't say no to you." X smirks and says "It's time to be a fucking hero."

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