-you promised me- DNF 💚💙

13 1 1

Character ages (for reference)
Dream- 21
I will try angst pls no judge
Enjoy :D

You are all lovely and make sure you take care of yourself, have a snack, drink some water, look in the mirror and complement one thing you love about yourself. You are awesome and amazing ok enjoy


{3rd person following gogy}

George was at his house fixing it up after a creeper blew some of it up. In the distance you could hear sounds of war and blood. Shivers were sent down George's at every scream of death. He hated wars and fighting and bloodshed even after he helped dream blow up L'manberg the first time.
His mind wandered to the man who was one of his closests friends.
I wonder if he started this war again
George quickly discards that thought as he refuses tk belive his best friend would want to see more bloodshed.
I wonder would dream vist to tell me about this fighting
As George said that a figure emerged in the field George's house was in. George looked at the shadow approaching him, as he slowly starts walking away he could figure out the shadow was a man.

"Why you backing away george i thought we were friends. Why do you not recognize me *tsk* George come give your best friend a hug"

George heard the voice as the man stepped in the sunlight to reveal,

Dream all bloody with a smirk on his face as he has his arms out wide.
That smile
His smile it was unerving is shook George to his core, then why. Why was he walking towards the blond with tears in his eyes. George grabbed Dream hugging him tears flowing down him.

Dream rubbed George's back as the burnette cried on his chest. Dream lifted George's chin so the shorter male was facing him

"Anyone said you look cute while crying"
"N-no" George stuttered unable to collect the right words.

"Such a shame~" dream purred as he kissed the shorter male
George was blushing while still crying into Dream

{ flashback }
"Come on George its gonne be alright" the blond assured george
"Dream promise me you wont go starting any trouble while im gone"
"I promise george"
"Ok good" as the burnette kissed the blonde

1 week later
George looks at the bloodied body of his best friend and lover. Dream had lost one of his lives to a war he started.
"Dream y-you promised me" as the burnette collapse in front of the body hugging in tight crying.

{ present }
After george shoke off the memory as dream picked him up and the two went home. George feel asleep soon after the two got on the couch. Dream smiled at the sleeping burnette as he silently promised that he would let nothing happen to george

His George

An// sorry if its short i ran out of ideas lol

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