distraction ; sangwoo

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''stop stressing about it . just relax '' you mumbled as you took a bite the sweet potato that the staff provided for the players, gazed fixed on the men infront of you with his face in his palm, food untouched .

a loud sighed escaping his lips before he look up and eyes darted into yours, with a disbelieve expression plastered on his face . ''relax ? you want me to relax ? we nearly die a few mins ago, how the fuck am I supposed to relax''

and with that, he dive his face back into his palm with his hair slightly mess because of the amount of time he ruffled his hair out of stress ,

you look around from where you are- sitting at the back of the bunker bed which was slightly shielded from other's players's view . sangwoo was rather piss from the last game- tug of war, thinking the possibility of him dying if isn't because of his last minute idea, so he tend to sat far away from everyone to cool down himself but you decided to followed him to help him cool him down .

sangwoo may looks like he's emotionless and heartless , but deep down he is actually scared and need motivation to keep up because he is physically and mentally draining. he doesn't show his emotions often but he is infact, stress and scared .

and you were more than glad to help him with it .

''you know what ? follow me to the toilet'' sangwoo suddenly snapped out, before he stood up and holding out his hands, which you hesitantly took it .

''what- why ? lights out is in... 15 minutes'' you said while pointing your finger on the big clock on the wall,

''i need.. some adjustments for my hair.. and you need to follow me to.. well help me'' he spoke, before he took a grip of your hands tightly and dragged you with him to the exit door,

not caring gihun's fainted voice asking where is he going, he pushed the exit door before pulling you with him and shut it close as well as gihun's voice.

''hey, slow down- why are you rushing'' you tried to pull of your wrist from his grip, which he just responded it with tightening his hands more around your wrist,

and before you could know, you finally arrived at the bathrooms - women bathroom- and sangwoo quickly dragged you in with him before he shut it down .

he look around for a moment, before dragging you into the last cubicle, which is kinda far away from the door and hidden from sight .

and with that, he pushed you into the cubicle, and slammed the door shut which make the room echoed with the sound and turn around to face you,

you were rather dumbfounded- but you automatically realised what is it about to happen, when you saw the visible buldge on his pants-

you were fucked

and before you could say anything, you felt his lips slammed onto yours, until you were pushed onto the rather cold tiles wall which make you accidentally slipped a moan between the kiss.

sangwoo kissed you roughly, and desperately- as if he was finding any sorts of distraction by devouring your lips, his arm resting on each side of your head, trapping you

you took a hold of his hair, grabbing a fistful of it, grabbing it hard as you felt the arousal sipping out from your cunt, which make sangwoo groaned into your mouth.

sangwoo rest his knees between your legs, making you desperately grinding your heat against it- searching for any kind of friction, your damp panties making it easily sliding on his knees,

''you want me to relax yeah you say ?'' sangwoo finally spoke as he pulled away from the kiss, leaving you rather needy and whiny for him.

''y-yes.. yes'' you tried to utter the words, as he had left you rather breathless after the long make out with his knees slowly grinding on your heat,

𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 [ smut ! ] Where stories live. Discover now