Chapter 2

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"Whatcha doing back here? Sick and tired of Michael already?" I turned my head and saw Zayne, hand in his hoodie and slouching. "Oh so you've finally decided to talk to me?" I snapped quietly. He laughed, "I know you're not into Michael." he said flatly. "How do you know whether I'm into him or not?" I asked him questionably. He stood up straight, "Because, he's not your type."

Livvie P.o.V

"What do you mean, he's not my type? I'm just on a date with him and I didn't know the "silent" guy was coming with him. So, this" I waved my arms around, "this is all your fault." He laughed hysterically, "How's this my fault?" "You're the one who came with! I'm on a date with him! Thats all! He let me borrow a pencil and let me keep it, so I asked him out on a date. I didn't know he was bringing you." I snapped. I can't take this jerk anymore. I walk passed Zayne and he grabbed my wrist. "Let me go." I said. He didn't listen, he squeezed harder, "Ow! Zayne! Let go of me!" I stared at his face, expressionless. He blinked, "Huh? Sorry." He let go and I rubbed my aching wrist. "Are you bipolar?" I accidentally blurted. "Um? I don't think so?" He said confusingly. "Zayne, I think you are. Because you were just yelling at me and now you're saying sorry." I said softly. I looked at my wrist and a red circle went around it. "I'm sorry, I think I blacked out. That happens a lot." He took my wrist carefully and kissed it. "Eh?" my face turned red. He didn't have to kiss it. "Livvie! I found-" I turned around and saw Michael staring at me and Zayne. "You can have her, I just needed to have a talk with her." Zayne let go and walked passed Michael.

"What was that about? What did he say to you? He never talks to anyone but me. What'd he say?" Michael asked for the hundredth time while we headed home. "Nothing. Its fine. It doesn't matter, ok, Michael?" We were at my house and I walked up to my porch, "Bye, Livvie!" Michael yelled, I waved my hand and went inside. "I'm home!" I yelled and went upstairs to my room. I laid on my bed and pulled out my laptop. I got onto a chatting website and found my guy friend that I've kinda fallen in love with. His name is William, he's my age and he's really cool.

***Texts Between Livina(LoveStruck16) and William(CaptainStar)***

LoveStruck16: Hey, you on?

CaptainStar: Yeah, I'm on. What's up, Livina?

LoveStruck16: Nothing much, just tired because there is this guy who has a major crush on me. And then, in school there was this really annoying kid and he got me into trouble. How about you?

CaptainStar: Man, that sucks. My day was pretty good. Do you like that guy?

LoveStruck16: Huh? No, Well, I don't know...I'm the one who asked him on a date. Then his stupid best friend came with him and tried to get ME to like him.

CaptainStar: Wow...well, you better tell him you're mine.

LoveStruck16: Awe, lol. :*

CaptainStar: I wish I could meet you in real live, Livina. You sound so amazing in my head.

LoveStruck16: I know, but I don't think I'm ready for you to meet me...I have some weird feeling that you're not going to like me because of the way I look.

CaptainStar: Nonsense, I like you because you are you. Not because of your looks. But if you aren't ready then its ok, I can wait. I'll be patient.

LoveStruck16: Thank you, William.

CaptainStar: Well, I think I'm going to go to sleep.

LoveStruck16: Ok, me too. Night William.

CaptainStar: I love you, Livina. Night.

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