Chapter 4- Zayne's P.o.V

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Michael shrugged, “So, is this really the person you are choosing to be with, Livvie? Because if you are, I think you are making a big mistake. Dating this guy won’t get you anywhere in life.” he added. I blinked, “I don’t think you have the right to say who I should be or shouldn’t be with. If you hadn’t been such a jerk, I may have actually started to like you. But as soon as you started bugging me about me and Zayne I got really mad, at that point I had my decision. I chose Zayne. Not you. So if you actually grow up and be a real man, someday, you might have a chance.” I admitted, getting off of Zayne’s lap and pushing myself past Michael making sure I slammed into his shoulder.



I got off my bed and went straight up to Michael, “Just leave her alone.” “I could say the same to you, but she’s obviously in love with you. See you later, Man.” I watched as Michael left my house, he seems a little too calm for that scene. “Livvie?” I called Livvie’s name several times with no response. I went downstairs, “Livvie?” I called again. “Rah!” I felt myself fall to ground and Livvie was on my back, “VICTORY!!” I laughed my butt off and made her fall off of me. “Hey!” she laughed and whined. “What?” I rolled my eyes and sat up, sitting crossed legged now. “Nothing.” she muttered. She was quiet for the rest of the night and so time had passed. Livvie’s Mom called and said she needed to come home. Livvie asked her if I could come over and she said she was ok with it.

Eight Forty-Eight at night and we were walking to Livvie’s house. “I’m sorry about Michael, I didn’t know he was coming over. I must’ve left the spare key under the rug outside.” I told her, stuffing my hands in my pockets. “It’s fine. I mean, he thinks he owns everyone and he doesn’t think about others. But, it’s ok. I’m not really all that mad at him. Just..frustrated.” Livvie sighed, “Can you carry me?” I smiled and lifted her onto my back. I felt her head rest against my back and her fragile arms wrapped around my neck. I don’t want to lose her, and I don’t know whether she actually likes me the way I like her. I walked up her porch and I knocked on the door. I waited a moment before the door opened and I saw Livvie’s Mom. “Hello Zayne. C’mon in.” I continued to carry Livvie on my back and walked inside. “Thanks, Mrs. Anderson.” I said, “Oh, Honey. You’re practically family, just call me Mom.” Mrs. Anderson laughed, shutting the front door and walked to the kitchen. I went downstairs to the Movie room and laid Livvie on the couch. “Mm..what time is it?” Livvie mumbled still laying down. “About nine fifteen.” I said, sitting on the end of the couch. “You should put in a movie.” she said as she moved onto her side. “Sure, what movie?” I asked her, getting up and went to the movie case. “I don’t know, just pick one. But, not a chick flick. I hate those types of movies.” she said a bit clearer this time. “How about about High School Musical?” “No.” “Stay With Me? No.” “Jeez, you’re picky. How about Perks of Being a Wallflower?” “Yeah, I’ll watch that one. It’s one of my favorites.” I heard her say. “Same.” I muttered, putting in the disk into the blu-ray player. I sat back on the couch and as soon as I did, Livvie moved over to me and laid her head on my lap. “Weirdo.” I coughed. She smacked my leg and I laughed.

“Logan Lerman is hot.” Livvie muttered, “Hey! What about me? I thought I was cute and adorable?” I pinched her cheek. “Ow...stop! Logan is a sexy man, and you are cute and adorable so shut your face.” she snapped, “Woah, Kitty. Settle down, there’s no need to get all worked up. I’m just messing with you. I know I am cute and adorable.” I said proudly. “Hey, do you hear that?” she asked sitting up, wide awake now. “Uh? No. What was I suppose to hear?” I asked confusingly, and looked around. “That’s the sound, of me not caring.” Livvie said. “Oh please, you do care. Are you on your period? You been rather moody?” I asked her. She hit me in the face with a pillow and I grabbed a pillow and hit her back. “Owwy! You just hit a girl!” She cried falling backwards on the couch. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry!” I tried to comfort her but the next thing I know, I was hit with something rather soft but it hurt. I fell to the floor and rubbed my head. “Now that. Was unessacery.” I pointed. Livvie laughed and laughed until she started crying with her laughing. I stood up and climbed back onto the couch. “ mister Pouty Poopy Pants angry?” Livvie climbed onto my lap and started poking my cheek. “I ain’t angry. You would know if I was angry.” I told her. “Yeah, I guess so.” She said quietly. “I just don’t want to hurt you.” I placed my hand on her cheek. “Yeah, I know. But I don’t want you to go away.” she whispered, pressing her forehead against mine. “Never.” I whispered. I pulled her into a huge and that’s how our night together ended.


“Honey! Zayne! Get up!” I heard Mrs. Ander- I mean, Mom, yell from upstairs. “Sure, Mom! I’ll wake up Livvie.” I yelled back. “Ok! I’m heading into town, Gerrit’s already at the bus stop.” She yelled. I could hear Mom’s footsteps upstairs and I could also hear the front door opening and then it closed. “Livvie. Wake up. We gotta go.” I sat up and Livvie’s body went up with me. She groaned and latched her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist like a five year needing to be carried away in the morning. I held onto her tightly so I wouldn’t accidently let her go. I went up the stairs and proceeded up the second set of stairs and ambled to Livvie’s room. “Go get dressed.” I laid Livvie on her bed and she stretched out like a cat. I left her room and shut the door behind me. I walked around the house a bit and I found some cool and interesting artifacts that were hanging on the walls or on a desk. I picked up an Moai, one of those stone heads that are placed in Easter Island.

“Be careful with that.” I jumped and set the stone on back on the desk. I turned around and saw Livvie wearing an orange and yellow sundress, with blue flip flops and her backpack which was slung over one shoulder. Her dirty blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she looks like an angel. “U-uh, I-I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean to, I, uh, let’s go.” I stammered brushing past her lightly. I opened the door and we walked to the bus stop. “Gerrit!” Livvie yelled to her brother. Gerrit was standing with a girl, aw, I wonder if he took my advice. I laughed to myself. “Oh, Hey, Livvie.” We walked next to Gerrit and his ‘girl’ friend. “So, who’s the girl? You two dating?” I asked Gerrit. His face turned bright red and he argued, “N-no! I-it’s not like that! We’re just friends!” The girl was slightly shorter than him and she was blushing too. “I’m just kidding, bro. Chill out.” I laughed and bumped his shoulder with my fist. “Yeah, well, it wasn’t very funny.” Gerrit mumbled. We all got onto the bus and I sat next to Livvie and I saw the girl who was with Gerrit sit next to them. They look really cute together. “They look so adorable.” Livvie says smiling at them. “Jeez. Are you, like reading my mind? I swear there is something wrong with us.” I said sarcastically, leaning back into the seat.

She didn’t respond, but we got off the bus and walked into school. I took Livvie’s hand and she didn’t mind. A lot of people were looking at us, but I didn’t care. “They’re all staring at us, Zayne.” Livvie whispered, squeezing my hand harder. “Why does it matter. Since I’m going to hell anyways.” I laughed, letting go of her hand and swung my arm around her shoulder. “Hey, don’t joke about that.” she says quietly. I laughed once again before I gave her a hug and we went to our classes.

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