She's happier.

52 8 9

"Am I... dead..? I'm dead..! I'm free from Zy! I no longer have to deal with the demon! Mom? Dad? Is that really you?!"

! I'm free from Zy! I no longer have to deal with the demon! Mom? Dad? Is that really you?!"

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The legs- (snort-)
Note: Sy's parents (in her og lore) died of a disease. 🦠

This damn drawing took me an HOUR. I'm planning on shading it soon and then adding a background so this is more of a wip! But I wanna practice more on actual animal legs instead of just... sticks. I'm gonna keep drawing even tho it's literally 2am rn. I PRACTICE DRAWING LEGS AT 2AM— (falls asleep and snores loudly)

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