Chapter 5

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"You're a liar!" Louis yelled at me with pure anger in his voice. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked surprised at him. Then I noticed a certain blonde boy in the room.

"What did you tell him?!" I yelled beginning to walk toward Niall. "Don't you start getting mad at him when you left Harry when you found out you were pregnant with his child!" Louis said in a hushed yell so the others couldn't hear us in the other room. "I did it for him! I did it so he wouldn't have to be so stressed alright! I did the right thing!" I exclaimed. "No, you did the complete opposite! You tore him apart! You could've stayed! Nothing bad would've happened! You leaving did more damage then you staying here!" Louis exclaimed. "Wait, what?" I asked confused to what he said. "I mean Niall already told me how sad he was when I left but how is that worse then me staying and causing problems?" I added. "Sad doesn't even begin to explain how Harry felt when you left. You don't even know the half of how he felt. You'll never understand how he felt." Louis said with anger in his face and his voice.

"Oh really Lou? I loved him too! I love him still and you don't think it killed me on the inside to leave him when I loved him that much!? You think I was happy with the fact of leaving him?! Do you really think I have no idea how he felt?! I cried myself to sleep every single night because I missed him! I stayed in my room and almost starved myself because I wouldn't come out! I almost killed Mackenzie! That's how oblivious I was to anything going on with me! I was too focused on how much I missed him!" I yelled not caring if anyone else heard.

Louis just rolled his eyes and walked out. My eyes were beginning to tear up at the thought of how I felt when I left him, of how I could have killed Kenzie.

"Why did you tell him?" I asked quietly to Niall without bothering to turn around. "I didn't plan on telling him. He got it out of me. I was really trying hold in it but everything was just aggravating me." Niall said sympathetically placing his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off not really wanting any sympathy right now.

I walked out of the boy's room and into mine to have some privacy for a while. If Louis and Niall are going to be pissed at me because of this imagine Harry when I tell him. What if they all desert me and never want to talk to me again? I don't think I could live with myself if Harry hated me, If he left me again. I just couldn't do it.

I dried my tears and tried to fix myself up before going back out to the boys. I heard a knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked as monotone as possible. "Bailey, let me in." Harry said sympathetically. Did he know I was crying? Did Niall tell him too?!

I slowly walked over to the door and unlocked it. I opened it enough to let Harry in but hid behind the door as I did so. I was afraid of what he would have said.

As I shut the door he turned around and saw me, puffy eyes, nose still red. He just sat on the bed and waited for me to say something. I stood there for a moment and then broke down into sobs again. I walked over to him and just cried onto his shoulder.

"Bailey, it's alright. Everything is fine now." Harry whispered to me as my sobs eventually diminished after about ten minutes. "W-why did you come in here?" I asked raising my head from the crook of his neck. "I heard you crying. I can't stand to hear you cry Bay. What happened?" He asked placing his large hand on my cheek.

"Nothing, just thinking. Don't worry about it." I said fiddling with my hands. "Doesn't seem like anything. What was it you were thinking about?" He said raising my chin so I'd look at him. "Just about when I left you a few months back. How I felt while we were apart. I know that you were sad too." I said truthfully.

"Who told you?" He asked knowing that someone had to have told me. "Niall, and Lou." I said bluntly. "Those idiots." He said making me laugh a little. "See, you look better with a smile. You should really wear it more often." Harry said wiping the tear that somehow escaped from my eye.

"I'm just glad you're back." I said. "I'm glad I found you again." He said leaning inward. I leaned forward and kissed him.

He placed his hand on my thigh. The kiss began to heat up some as he bit my lip, causing me to moan a little, and he put his tongue in my mouth. As we kissed a while longer Harry moved to my jaw line then down my neck. As much as I wanted to I couldn't do this.

I kind of leaned back, breaking the intimacy. "What's wrong?" He asked concerned. "Nothing. I just don't think we should do this right now. I mean, there are four other boys in the house and a baby. I just don't think it's the right time." I explained. "If you don't want to all you have to do is tell me." Harry said. "No, I really want to it's just not the best time for it right now." I said looking down to the floor.

"Alright I believe you." Harry said kissing my forehead. "Come back in the living room and talk with the boys instead of being locked away in your room. Ok?" Harry asked walking toward the door. I nodded and smiled at him as he walked out.

I really am glad he came back. One question kept racking my brain though. How am I going to break the news to him?

'Hey Harry you know that baby you've been constantly holding and playing with? Yea, well she's your daughter and I left you nine months ago because I was pregnant.'

No Bailey. You have to like ease into it. Just somehow go into it when you two are having a conversation about Kenzie.

Yea, that works. I could do that and hopefully not screw everything up.

I got off my bed and went into the living room when Liam got a call telling him that he and the boys have to go to rehearsals for some concert they are having soon. I told them bye and then it was just Kenzie and I, left alone again.

Why is it that everytime I'm left alone with her she needs a diaper change? I mean she doesn't smell this bad when the boys are around.

I took Kenzie back to her nursery and changed her diaper. I changed her outfit into one that looked like a little pink cat. I thought of Harry when I got it.

As I went back to the living room I got Kenzie's pacifier and sat on the couch.

Now would be a good time to call Brooke. I got my phone and dialed her number but no one ever picked up.

What the hell? She always answered when I called. What if something happened to her? What would I do if something serious happened to her and she's in the hospital?!

My thoughts were obstructed as I heard a knock on the door.

Who could that be? I mean the boys just left and I know literally no one around here.

I opened the door to see Brooklyn standing there with a hug smile plastered on her face. "Hey sis! Guess who's having a sleep over tonight?" She cheered.

I'm screwed.

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