Chapter 16

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Bailey POV

As the girls finished up their movie I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I checked it to see I had received a new text message.

From Harry: Goodbye. Tell Mackenzie I love her.

Goodbye? Is he leaving again or something?

To fulfill my curiosity I left the room and went to the room Perrie is letting me stay in to call Harry. As the phone began ringing my heart started beating rapidly and my brain started creating unlimited possibilities of what he meant.

"Hey, this is Harry. I'm obviously kinda of busy right now but I'll be sure to give you a call back. But until then leave me a message, bye!" His voicemail answered. "Harry, answer me please. What are you talking about? What happened tonight? Just call me back." I left the message then ended my call, tossing my phone back on my bed.

I placed my head in my hands and just let all of the possible reasons to why he said goodbye rush into my head. Maybe he's leaving Kenz and I again. Maybe he is staying with his mum longer. Maybe he is done with me.

The last thought hurt the worst. I'm starting to finally think that Harry could be apart of his family. I'm finally thinking that we have a future together without all of these problems.

My phone ringing behind made me come out of my thoughts. As much as I was begging for it to he Harry I looked at my phone to see Louis' face come up on it.

This is the first time we are going to talk since the letter. Do I act normal? Do I just tell him right now I don't like him like he does me? But then again am I sure I don't?

Before my phone went to voicemail I answered.

"Hey?" I said in more of the form of a question. "Hey. Itoldharryabouteverythingandhesdonewithyouandkenzeanditriedtostophimbutheleftandimsorryithoughtheshouldveknown." He said in one breath.

"You're going to have to tell me that again. All I got was Harry, me and Kenze from that." I said and he took a breath. "I told Harry about everything. About us, me, El well kind of about El. He said he doesn't want to stay around and screw anything else up between you two. He said I need to fix everything and that he's just not going to stay." He said and I lost every single emotion that was in my body before.

I had no words to say.

Nothing to feel.

Nothing to think.

I was empty.

"Bailey?" He asked. I said nothing.

"Bailey talk to me." Louis begged and I still said no words.

"I'm sorry, just call me back if you need to talk." He said and I heard the line go dead.

I still didn't move. I simply just dropped my phone. Causing it to land on the floor and crack the screen.

What I did next is something I promised I would never do again.

I felt so numb, I needed to feel some emotion. Anything. Even pain.

I stood from the bed and walked to the bathroom. I searched the drawers for it. The shinny medal I was begging for. The only thing I needed right now at this moment.

I found a pack of them, under the sink. I opened the pack, grabbed one and sat with my back against the side of the tub. I pulled up my sleeves and had them rest above my elbows.

I stared at the cold shinny metal in my had and thought about what I was doing to my emotionless body. What horrible thing I'm considering right now.

Then I thought about what caused me to start doing this in the first place. My dad leaving me, my sister and my mum to go live with his new wife.

Then Harry coming into my life and never letting me fully trust him. Never letting me believe he would be there for me like I am always for him.

He always cheated, always drank. He's always been the exact boy I tried to stay away from. Yet, her I am.

I've fallen in love with him.

Fallen in love with a boy that can do nothing but hurt me.

Hurt me and his own daughter. His daughter.

That if it wasn't for me she wouldn't even be here right now. She wouldn't have this fucked up shit happening to her when she is only four months old. It's all because of me.

I was never good enough for Hary, that's why he cheated. I wasn't really anything to him, that's why he keeps leaving me. I was never even wanted by him, I was just there.

I just kept bringing him problems, that's why he's done.

I'm never good enough for anyone. I'm always a let down.

I'm a disappointment.

Before I could think of something else I slide the cold metal across my small wrist hoping for pain to shoot through my body but nothing came. I tried it again and still nothing.

Just the feeling of warm blood running down the side of my arm.

I kept cutting and still no feeling was coming from this harm, I tried my other wrist and still nothing was there. I was numb, I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't think anything.

And soon enough, I couldn't see anything either.

Perrie POV

After our movie had ended I heard Mackenzie faintly crying from the back room that I gave Bailey to stay in. After a few moments I thought maybe Bailey would've gotten her but she kept crying.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to check on the baby." I told El and she nodded. I stood from the couch and
went down the long hall to the room.

I opened the door to see no one there. Just a broken iPhone on the floor that seemed a bit odd.

I picked it up to see its Bailey's, of course, and it had 20 missed text messages from Louis. Each one saying 'talk to me' or something along those lines.

I brought my attention to the baby who was still crying in her little room. I went to the door and opened it then retrieved the infant from her crib.

I bounced a little to calm her crying then decided she needed to eat. I grabbed the diaper bag and was on my way out of the room when I saw something suspicious.

The bathroom door was slightly open and I saw that the light was on.

I sat the bag down on the bed then carries the baby with me as I went to investigate what had happened.

I opened the door wider to see the most horrifying scene I've ever witnessed.

Bailey's lifeless body was sat on the floor, her body laying against the side of the tub and her arms covered in a crimson liquid.

Her pants and shirt soaked on blood and a razor blade sitting on the ground beside her.

"Eleanor!" I screamed through the house then the tall brunette came into the room. "Oh my god." She said as her eyes met my lifeless best friend.

"Take the baby and go to the living room. Call 911. Now." I said handing her the baby and she took off out of the room.

I walked over to the bloody body and tried to see if she was breathing.

I couldn't find a pulse.

10 votes for the next update. Can't post till I get all 10.

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