Chapter 6 - CIA

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Anna sighed as she sat on a table in the corner of Mr Nobody's base. Anna watched several agents behind screens typing, searching and reading through information, trying to find where Shiela and her Ghosts could be. Hobbs was leaning against the hood of a Gurka looking down at the large tablet in his hand and her father was over at another table, keeping himself busy with the array of guns before him.

Little Nobody was busy stitching up a large cut on Annas arm when he asked, "You alright?"

Anna shakes her head with a scoff, "In all my years I have never been so glad to see my dad before."

"Why is that?"

"Well, after he left me at the orphanage, I used to wait every day for him to walk through the doors to come and fetch me, but after a while when you realize hes not coming back, you begin to wonder if its because of you, until eventually, you just dont care anymore. My grandmother came to fetch me when I turned fifteen. She put me in a good private high school and paid for my college tuition. Everything my dad was supposed to do." Anna explained looking down at the ground.

"He might not have been there, but I bet he thought about you. Maybe even came to see you when you didnt notice." Little Nobody suggested, to which Anna just lifted her eyebrows so as to say sure, "Look," Little Nobody sighed, "not all fathers are perfect but at the end of the day they do what they think is best."

"I know." Anna said looking up at Little Nobody graciously, before smirking, "So, are you gonna tell me your real name, or do I have to stick with Little Nobody." Anna raised her eyebrow mockingly.

Little Nobody chuckled, "Its Eric. Eric Reisner." Eric wrapped a bandage over the stiches on Anna's arm then looked at her with a smile, "All done."

"Thank you. Eric." Anna thanks then hops of the table and hesitantly made her way over to her father, rubbing her now sweaty palms together, "Hey, dad." Anna greeted once she had reached him.

Deckard looks up and sees Anna and stops mid-action from what he was doing, "Hey."

"Thank you, you know, for saving me. Again." Deckard nodded and placed the magazine he was filling on the table. He looked up when Anna spoke again, "And, um, I'm sorry, about what I said."

Deckard makes a small smile before looking up at his daughter, "Look, Anna, no words will ever express how sorry I am."

"I know dad."

"No, I dont think you do," Deckard replied, "What I did to you, to us," Deckard sighs, "no family should have to go through that. And you're right, I did abandon you, but not because I didn't want you, but because I had no idea how to take care of you." Anna's eyes began to tear up from the confession her father had made, the words she had waited her entire life to hear, "And let's face it, our family is, well, its a bit of a mess." Giggles burst from Anna mouth making her father smile, "But I'm willing to clean up this mess if you are. I want to be there for you Anna. At the time I didn't know how, well actually, I still don't know how, but I'm going to try and I think thats all that matters." Anna nods and sniffs, touched by her fathers words. Deckard looks smiles then pulls Anna in for a hug. Deckard holds her tightly as she buries her face in his shoulder, "I love you, Anna."

"I love you too, dad." Anna's muffled voice replies.

Anna and Deckard's happy reunion was short lived as a strong buzzing sound began to erupt in the base around them, a red ALERT pulsing on the large screen. Anna and her father make their way over to the control centre.

"Whats going on?" Hobbs demanded rushing over to the agents behind the screens.

"The CIA secret base is being attacked." An Agent answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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