spoiler for the kazuneki fic but idc, have a fuck ton of angsty oneshot

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I didnt want to post this but
I am impatient so here is what ive been doing while i was gone
Btw my angst is top tier so you are guaranteed to cry after this i swear to god
So far as i know no one in wattpad likes angst they all want to be horknee and if youre horknee go away all i have is angst
Yes no fluff just angst
My brain just produced this shit and it took me about a week to write off the basic plotline without the details, still working on it
Ive been doing changes to the plotline because of act 3 for a while and wondering how they will fit in as i decided to make everything a little more complicated cuz i made it too uselessy deep and symbolic hhhhhhhh


I'm writing a longer one btw






wait for it


Almost there



Here we go

"What is the meaning of this...?"
There stood his lover, the most important person in his life, as his enemy.
"I-I don't understand... You are on top of the wanted list, how did you... How could you?"
He had lots of questions that needed to be answered. But first of all... why is Haneki here, as a member of the Tenryou Commission? How did this happen? How did it all come to this?
"I have found a better side. I have been wasting my life ever since. I never knew I could find a life so much better, while living with an archon by my side." The girl who called herself Haneki spoke throughly and clearly while having such a straight face.
She was telling all lies, but Kazuha didn't know. He was still in the shock of seeing the one always on his side be against him.
"Anyway, I was instructed to..."
"Wait!" He screamed, he didn't want to hear the contiuation of that sentence. "Haneki, this isn't you... what happened to our dreams of escaping Inazuma togther? Living a peaceful life in Mondstadt? What about blasting a city? Seeing other scenery, trying other tastes, what happened to all of that?? Don't tell me you..."
"I'm afraid I do not remember any promises like that."Haneki replied bluntly. It hurts her to leave all those dreams, all those promises and all those memories behind, but she has no choice. She's at the center of the rabbit hole. She has no choice but to go along. "Plus... aren't promises made to be broken? I'm being honest, no one keeps every promise they make. So what if I don't keep mine?"
Kazuha was already literally destroyed to hear the first part, but the second hit even more and he genuinenly doesn't want to be here anymore. He wants to get away from this, escape this reality and pretend it's just a dream. Nonetheless, he still tried to keep himself together, he can't be breaking down in the battlefield. Everything comes after that.
"So, anyways, I was instructed to... spar with you, I suppose." The girl continued with a cold voice.
"Spar with me huh... you keep reminding me... we still didn't settle the result of that duel."
"Which duel?"
"I'm sorry, I do not remember."
"I didn't think you would... you seem to have forgotten basically anything at this point... do you even remember me..?"
"I... I'm sorry."
".........Alright, let's spar then."
A silence covered the area, it was nothing but the sound of the wind and the leaves flowing along with it... The wind had maple leaves. How ironic.
Both of them unsheathed their sword, ready to fight, and at the very last moment-
"Haha. Fooled you well, didn't I?" the girl let out a chuckle, you could hear the pain in it.
"Fool... Fool me...?" Kazuha was shocked, he never expected this. "What kind of... why would you..."
"I was instructed to spar with you, yes, and was given back my vision for it, for you, the so-called 'worthy enemy'."
His eyes widened as he started to realize everything, he knows what's going on.
He's known Haneki for a full year now, today was their anniversary anyway. And he is sure he knows Haneki well, he can guess her next move. He just hopes it's not what he thinks it is.
"I got my vision taken away, hehe, didn't you know? Wasn't it on the clues they sent you?"
"So you really are in the Tenryou Commission?"
"I had no choice, back then, the Shogun manipulated me. And now we're here... but."
He's getting more and more worried as this conversation goes on. "Haneki, come on, let's go home, we can talk about this after a good night's sleep..." he added, but Haneki didn't move an inch.
"I'm too deep into this rabbit hole, Kazuha. There is no way for me to escape this anymore. I would rather die than killing you."
"Rather... don't tell me..."
Yep, he's starting to think he's right. But maybe, just maybe, it isn't true, just maybe...
Haneki, as fast as lightning, pointed the egde of the sword at her chest, ready to do something that was the most selfless thing anyone could ever do.
"Haneki-!" he let out when he saw the moment of her arm.
"I'm sorry for getting into this much trouble. Forget about me, please, like I forgot about you. That's my last wish."
Then, without a second thought, she stabbed herself.
Kazuha rushed over there as fast as he could, but he was too late. Haneki's arm moved faster.
"No... you can't leave me like that, you know... Not right now..."
He could let out at that situation, he couldn't comprehend this. He can't comprehend it, he doesn't want to.
This is just a dream, right? Just another nightmare, right? Soon enough he'll wake up from it... right?
"You really are selfless... you truly are..."

Autumn is a wonderful season.
Where the whole world is painted in red and yellow, and when the nature refreshes itself.
Maple leafs are beautiful. But it's a shame that so many goodbyes seem to happen when they turn red...

You're now traumatized and are crying, currently emotionally attached to them aren't you
Okay bye fr

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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